Hey Dr…
I just bought my husband the c250 and it does not have the option to change the USB in Settings. Is there something wrong with this player?
Message Edited by Narse on 07-27-2007 09:55 PM
Hey Dr…
I just bought my husband the c250 and it does not have the option to change the USB in Settings. Is there something wrong with this player?
Message Edited by Narse on 07-27-2007 09:55 PM
I have read or heard somwhere and this may be a market requirement that mp3 players or manufacturers may no longer able to release player with both MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) AKA PlaysForSure and MSC (Mass Storage Class) mode. Maybe you have one of the newer released players that is PlaysForSure only. May be you can contact SanDisk tech support and see they can clarify that for you.
check your device. at the back of the player, if it has a ‘v2’ after the ‘c200’ then its version 2.
you can also go to settings then info and check your firmware version. c200+ have firmware v03.XX.XXP.
even if this does not have a MSC mode, i think it is still better than the first one.
reason 1: now supports SDHC microSD card (although card slot says microSD, not micro SDHC)
reason 2: now supports audible.com audiobooks
reason 3: continous voice recording is now enabled (up to 17 hours on the 2.0GB model)
so, what do you think?
Update: you can now delete songs from the device itself
Message Edited by marqck on 08-03-2007 10:52 PM
Sherimccl, You have the Sansa C200+ (C200 v2)
Markqck has just provided you with some of the differences.
How can I know if I’m getting a V2 player without actually opening the package? Anyone know if Amazon is currently selling the v2 model?
stestardi raises and excellent point how to know that from an online vendor or from a brick and mortar store (Maybe the packing says something different)?