I had the same annoying problem after firmware update in my C240 (via Sansa Firmware Updater), but now everything is OK. I’ve just put older firmware and USB option is now enabled. All you have to do:
Go to zefie and download appopriate firmware (I had 01.01.05P and downloaded zefie and it works)
You have to enter Service Mode. To do that:
turn the player off
press HOLD button
hold REC button and press MENU button (used to turn the player on/off)
plug the player to the computer
in My Computer you can see new drive 16MB-FORMAT
copy unzipped files into it
unplug the player
release HOLD button
Now everything should be OK and MSC option should be available.
I hope you wouldn’t encounter any problems. I’ve just translated this TO-DO and take no responsibility for the effects.
Finally…I have something better. That new firmware is better then I expected. Before you plug your player in, open WMP 10+. Click on SYNC, let synchronization complete. Then you will see your players’ memory on the right side. Now you can open Windows Explorer, click on Sansa C200 and use it like in MSC mode.
Thanks, Andy for the fix! Hopefully sandisk will fix this bug in thier latest firmware so we can continue to get updates (and have a player that works)… on the other hand I guess I could just stay with the 1.04 forever if I removed the updater software.
That’s what I did Kelemvor
As soon as I ressurected my C240, I erased Sansa Firmware Updater from my hard drive. I will consider the reinstallation if a new update is fully described, when it would be possible to choose which firmware version is to be put into one’s Sansa.
I hope Sansa’s stuff read the forum and will take it into their consideration.
The firmere isn’t bad. MTP mode seems to be pushed through devices, and it appears more devices are auto-detect now adays and dont give people the option to switch from mtp-msc.
This should not impede your usage of the device what so ever, as you can still drag and drop, explore it through my computer or use WMP.
When I plug the device in in non mtp mode (or with the latest firmware) windows searches for a driver that it cannot find. There is no driver available for download on the website that I can find, and after failing to locate the driver, the device does not show up in My Computer for me. MTP mode is the only way I can get the device to work - unless you know where to get the necessary drivers?
Well I couldn’t either drag and drop any files or upload anything via WMP 10 (maybe because of my lack in knowledge). I prefer traditional solution where I have full control over the process. So I don’t understand why the possibility to choose have been removed. If it was a new device, new concept and MSC mode was supposed to be written from the scratch, I would understand the resgnation from the MSC. But here it’s working properly! And someone decides that a customer would prefer Auto-Detect Mode.
As you can see we, the Customers, want to have a choice, so please allow us to choose what we find the best for us!
No. It does not swithj to auto detect. The only option is to use WMP (v. 10 or higher) which only allows files to be put on and not tranferred from the device. Media files only!
I am not here to defend the product, keep that in mind. I just learn how to use it and the functionality of it. If I can solve some peoples problems by learning how to use my own player, then great. I know I would appreciate a hand when learning to use some devices im not familiar with.
So with that said, you have a big understanding of the product. And wether or not you choose to listen is your choice.
wmp v.10 or higher was always the recommendation. My family memeber has this player and it has this firmware that a few people on this forum seem to resent. I am fully capable of using the device to take media files off the device.
*Media files only you say, what else would you put on there if its not media? Media includes ,but not limited to, pictures/music/video(even though the c200 doesnt do video)
I was NEVER able to save recordings to the MicroSD slot, it always went to the internal memory of the player. So I dont think this was something that changed. Someone with previous firmware can verify, I’m sure I can downgrade this one if need be.
The firmware did add a format option on the player itself.
Got so bored I even took screen shots of me dragging and dropping with the new P firmware. Here are my shots, step by step…
Heres proof its the P firmware
Shows up as MTP mode
it then shows the internal & external(if you have it, I dont) memory
I then created a music folder, since this was done from a formatted player
Drag and dropped my Gorillaz album, Demon Days. Which is a great album by the way.
And it magicaly plays on the c200
*As I said previously, it still works for all intents and purposes. I dont see what the issue is.
It adds:
1)Format option in the settings menu
2)Makes The player autodetect
3) You can slide the hold switch on, hold the UP ( >, II button) and turn the unit on to enter a sort of “recovery mode” that lets you format the player.
If nothing is pressed, it automaticly cancels the format
I haven’t taken the step of uninstalling the firmware updater, I’m just not going to connect to the computer in MSC mode for now. In “Auto Detect” (MTP) I have always been able to access the device in Media Player (or other sync programs, like Yahoo Jukebox) or through My Computer without a problem. Has anyone else ever tried accessing the device through My Computer without actually switching modes FIRST?
That new .05 firmware is good but not for 100%. Someimes it recognizes the player correctly, sometimes not. I always have to plug it in an out for multiple times. The method that workes the best is to open WMP, click on SYNC cuff, plug in the player and let the synchronization complete. Then try to click on + before MUSIC. When it opens, the player is recognized correctly and you can drag and drop the files by WINDOWS EXPLORER. I hope that there will be new firmware soon, so they will make this method 100% functional.
Since I’ve always been able to use the device in MTP mode even to drag and drop files, I downgraded the firmware ONLY to make the MSC mode available (I use Linux at the college and didn’t want too be unable to choose the MSC mode).
Even with my m240 I was able to drag and drop files in MTP mode.
But like to have MSC mode available because of the other OS’s.
Extract the mi4, font and ROM files using 7z unzip (you’ll find it on the net) and copy the extracted files into the root folder of your device in MSC mode and then disconnect it from USB. It will “upgrade” (or downgrade if you wish). If MSC mode is missing, put the player into Recovery mode by switching the HOLD on and hold down the record button for a few seconds.
Be sure to pay attention to the region code.
SansaC200 A 1_00_03.7z
A is America.
E is Europe.
F is Europe with FM
P is for Pacific
… Not really sure about the rest.
Once completed, the USB>MSC mode will be restored !!!