Can anyone tell me how we have lost all the songs we put on over the weekend. We initially put 7 on to see how we got on and that was successful and deleted the sample songs. Then we made up the songs to about 30 and played them successfully. This weekend we thought we would start putting lots more songs on and spent a lot of time doing so. When we went to play it there were only 7 songs on, 2 were the first ones to go on and 5 of the last ones out of about 50 or so. We put the battery on to charge today and when we switched on again it came up with 1 of 2 (the original ones we put on) so where have all the other ones gone and why did they appear and then disappear? We haven’t gone into delete at all and the problem is not a consistent one, we have done nothing different to what we did the first time around.
The songs we downloaded are from cds we put onto the computer.