Hello guys and gals.  So I have a Sansa Fuze and I can’t get any computer to recognize it.  I have read some of the other threads on this and tried many of the things, but it still wont work.

The computer charges the fuze, but it wont recognize it as a device.  I have tried it on multiple computers, all relatively new with windows media player 11. 

What the heck is going on here. 

The only thing that happens when i plug it in is the little lightning bolt shows up indicating its charging.

Is there some software i need?

Please help, this is very frusterating. 

I have reset it, formatted it, refreshed drivers, its on MCS mode…

I have version v02.01.09A

Try in a it in a true OS and i’ll be able to help you :wink:

Now, being serious, it seems a windows issue, but as i know little about windows, i can’t help you. Maybe other can.

The search function is your friend try here.


@bot2383 wrote:

Hello guys and gals.  So I have a Sansa Fuze and I can’t get any computer to recognize it.  I have read some of the other threads on this and tried many of the things, but it still wont work.


The computer charges the fuze, but it wont recognize it as a device.  I have tried it on multiple computers, all relatively new with windows media player 11.  


What the heck is going on here. 


The only thing that happens when i plug it in is the little lightning bolt shows up indicating its charging.


Is there some software i need?


Please help, this is very frusterating. 


I have reset it, formatted it, refreshed drivers, its on MCS mode

He did search, tried stuff and seemed stuck. Well, it looks like below response of mine would apply on your case:

@chux wrote:

Then its either the USB cable or the device itself causing it. Try using another cable to isolate it.


If it is the mp3 player’s USB port, I would recommend checking with SanDisk for its warranty. Pins might not be connecting properly (data/power pins) or damaged. 

To get your Fuze to work well with Windows, get the latest WMP from Microsoft, and it’ll install the drivers you need for it to be recognized

(WMP=Windows Media Player)

Message Edited by OdiusG on 08-26-2009 06:33 PM