Clip plus died ?


I have a Sansa Clip plus and it has just stopped working (after about 6 months’ use. It hasn’t received any physical trauma).  

MS Windows can see it fine, but when I try to turn it on,  the screen is blank blank blank.  Same goes when I plug it into a mains charger - the device shows nothing on the screen.  I have tested the charger on other devices and the charger is fine.

I guess that either the screen or battery is kaput.

Is there anything I can do ?    I tried the autofirmware software update, but it hung on clicking the ‘finish’ button.  


btw, I have tried holding down the start button for 45 seconds and also all combinations of “Start+other” buttons

tried all of these :

It is Rockboxed (v1.3.1), but has been fine that way for 6 months. . .

I have ‘trickle charged’ it on mains for about 14 hours, but I’m on the road and won’t get access for 24x7 elelctricity for a while now. 

It might be a hardware display issue but I think this does come with a 12 month warranty. Have you tried to check this yet?