The missus wanted an MP3 player, to listen to audiobooks. She already downloaded a few in MP3 format.
I went out and bought an 8Gb Clip today, based on good reviews on the net. Connected it and up popped Windows media player version 9. That was canceled as I wanted it to charge fully before trying to copy files about.
A couple of hours later, the little battery icon had stopped flashing, and I opened ‘My Computer’ the clip wasn’t there. Unplugged it, reconnected and Windoze media player opened, I have never ever used this software before, I prefer winamp for MP3’s so it was a bit of a mystery how to actually do anything with it, it kept wanting to connect to the net.
After a bit of headscratching, we finally got the MP3 file in the left window, the Sansa Clip in the right window and found the ‘Copy’ button.
We waited for about an hour for it to copy over, the file was over 400Mb.
WMP shows the file in the ‘Audiobook’ folder, but the clip says it’s empty!
The manual says it should appear in ‘My Computer’ which it doesn’t
This cute device is turning into a nightmare.
How do I make it appear in ‘My Computer’ ?
Where did the 400+Mb file I transfered go?
Can I take it back to the shop and demand a refund? (kidding)
Version V02.01.16F
memory 7794mb
free 7220mb
songs 4
the 4 songs appear to have come with the player.
‘The Jones Gang - Angel/Any Day Now’
‘The Shanghai Restoration Project - Babylon of the Orient’
‘Alian & Ehren - Cobblestoned Waltz/Lillian’
‘The Red Thread - Wax Museum/Ship in the Attic, birds in the subway’
No idea where the 400+ Mb MP3 file we transfered dissapeared to.
Thanks in advance.
Message Edited by revjim on 01-25-2009 07:50 PM