Cant use MTP mode on PC Windows XP SP2

For some reason I cant use MTP mode on my Windows XP SP2. It shows up and than about 30 secs later it dissapears and I can no longer access my Fuze. I have the fuze directly connected to my PC usb ports. Ive tried installing some kind of Microsoft MTP tranfer protocol I ran into on a different forum but still no success. I read somewhere that there might be some issues with my USB drivers but dont know how to go about fixing this. Right now im currently using it under MSC mode but I really dislike how once disconnected from the pc, it takes so long to rewrite the library. Please help people :cry:

do you have any non native usb drivers loaded on your computer. i encountered an issue on my computer that would not allow a MTP device to mount. it turned out to be a driver i had loaded so i could use my PS3 controller on my PC. once i uninstalled that driver MTP was working again. may not be your case but worth looking into.

Hey, thats funny you mention that. I have that same ps3 controller driver. So once you uninstalled that driver, it worked out good for you? Should I uninstall that driver? I mean is it worth it to use MTP mode?

i prefer MTP mode. much shorter refresh database times. I would try uninstaller the PS3 driver, thats what worked for me.

This is going to sound a little nutty but try installing Napster.  I have the same problem with my Sansa Fuze and nothing works except installing Napster.  Napster supports Fuze and downloads some magical component that will make it work in Napster AND Windows XP.

@mrmimis06 wrote:
I mean is it worth it to use MTP mode?

It mainly depends on wheather you need DRM support or not.  MTP is required for DRM protected content (subscription services, auduiobooks, etc.).  Also, if you want to use WMP to manage the Fuze, you’ll probably want to stick with MTP.  If neither of those are a factor, then MSC would probably be preferred.  It a much simpler implementation and you have a lot more choices for tools to manage your content.

@drlucky wrote:
i prefer MTP mode. much shorter refresh database times. I would try uninstaller the PS3 driver, thats what worked for me.

True, the refresh is shorter, but the transfers take longer.  Basically, MTP is building the database as each file is transferred while MSC builds it after disconnecting.  When you add up the total time for the transfer and refresh, it’s pretty much a wash between the two modes.

If you watch the screen in MTP mode, the screen will say “Writing” while it transfers one song, then it will change to “Connected” for a few seconds as it refreshes the database, then it goes back to “Writing” for the next song.

In MSC, it is constantly on “Writing” until it is done syncing, then it has a long database refresh.

They are pretty much the same amount of time.

I prefer MSC mode due to the better OS and program support because I have my music shared on my computers, so I’ll sync from Windows sometimes and from Ubuntu sometimes.

I found a really simple answer on the *gasp* windows troubleshooter. I came to find out that if you are using a MTP device for the first time, there are no native drivers in XP. 

Here is what I did:

  1. Open the device manager (right click on My computer, go to properties, and select DEVICE MANAGER)

  2. Find the USB device with a yellow exclamation mark next to it and right click it… Select UNINSTALL


  4. Allow the installer to access the internet and BOOM! My player was recognized in Rhapsody… YES! ITS THAT EASY.

  5. Jump up and down and stomp your feet for joy.  

The PS3 controller driver was the culprit in my case. I looked for solutions for days and tried everything. Once I read about uninstalling the PS3 driver here and I gave it a shot. IT WORKED!!! I no longer have any problems with my Sansa Fuze. Thanx for the idea.

Really great answer…

i got my player working…

Thanks a lot dude…

This is really working…

I found a really simple answer on the *gasp* windows troubleshooter. I came to find out that if you are using a MTP device for the first time, there are no native drivers in XP. 

Here is what I did:

  1. Open the device manager (right click on My computer, go to properties, and select DEVICE MANAGER)

  2. Find the USB device with a yellow exclamation mark next to it and right click it… Select UNINSTALL


  4. Allow the installer to access the internet and BOOM! My player was recognized in Rhapsody… YES! ITS THAT EASY.

  5. Jump up and down and stomp your feet for joy.  

Thanks a lot dude.

It all seems so simple, until Step #4: Allow the installer to access the internet …

What exactly do you mean by “allow”…? That I am connected to the Internet? I AM connected to the Internet. But, I see no way to ‘tell’ the “New Hardware Wizard” that I am, or am not…

It simply comes back with, “The specified service does not exist as an installed service.”

This is in relation to an “MTP” device. In MSC mode, Rhapsody or WMP11 see it as a violation of DMA rules.

Thanks much!  Almost embarrased that I didn’t think of that myself as I’m a PC tech.  It worked fine. 

I’ve been trying to get music that I loaded on my sansa fuze at home onto my work PC.  (Yeah I could bring the CD’s into work and rip again, but why bother when the files are already on the fuze?)  Unfortunately, when I first got the fuze I didn’t know the default was MTP mode and I loaded the music in MTP mode.  When I tried to get to the files at work, I’d heard the “ding” when the player was plugged in (in MTP mode, in MSC mode everything works fine), but I couldn’t see the device.  

I had already seen the yellow device problem icon when I looked at device manager, but I didn’t think to uninstall it and rescan.  That worked great.  Now that I have the music I uploaded in MTP mode, I can delete the files off the fuze and reupload in MSC mode and hopefully scrap MTP mode for good.  Causes nothing but trouble for me.  

I wonder if I can disable it for good on the fuze (I know that’s not a good idea…in case I ever want to use one of the Dumb Rights Management services…  :smiley:


There’s no DRM in MSC mode. Just stay with that, and you’re fine.

Of course, if you’re ripping your CDs in Windows Media Player, you ARE ripping them to .mp3 rather than the default, .wma…aren’t you?

The default in some WMP is to rip to .wma with copy protection. Thank you, but I don’t need to be protected from myself. 

So, When I have it on MTP mode and plug it into the USB Port, my Sansa freezes about 2 seconds later. But when I unplug it, it makes the sounds notifying that it has been unplugged, even though It is frozen. Where as on MSC Mode when I plug it in, it works fine, But I Can’t go through and look at all of the music I have on it. It only shows the few things I had just put on it the night before. I don’t know what to do to fix this. Dx

Another in the Plus column for using MSC mode. :stuck_out_tongue:

Something to consider . . . format the device which will erase everything you’ve put on it, and re-load it all in MSC mode. :wink:

I’ll try It. But I know for a FACT, Dx That’ll take Forever  to put all of that back on. DX

But thanks. (: 

Hello, people. I have another theory as to why the Fuze might not stay connected in MTP mode (this happened to me once).

Basically, I just didn’t have an updated Windows Media Player (I had a problem with my computer, and had to do a fresh install of XP. WMP was the last thing on my mind, since I don’t use it, and had plenty of other things to reinstall). So, I realized this, downloaded WMP 11, and it worked. It was as simple as that. Of course, I don’t know if that is your problem, since I don’t have a PS/3 controller, but it might help someone else.
