Bricked Sansa e250 white screen only - no solution found here

I have read so many posts and I have not found a solution to my problem. Many reported problems in here are quite similar to mine but the solutions have not worked for me or I just have not found the right post yet. Anyway…

When my sansa e250 boots up it shows white screen only and ofcourse the blue ring is on. I am able to go to recovery mode - sansa shows white screen but 16MB-FORMAT appears on Windows XP. It only contains the VERSION.TXT file. No matter what i dragg and dropp on the 16MB-FORMAT drive - after disconnecting sansa, and pluging it back in - everything is gone again all but the VERSION.TXT file. So nothing happens when i drag and dropp the format.txt or MI4 files on it. When I delete or even format the 16MB drive - the VERSION.TXT is back after I plug the sansa back in. So I really dont know how to proceed any more.

Here is the contents of the VERSION.TXT file:

Version Info: Product Rev.: PP5022AF-05.51-S301-02.18-S301.02.18F-D
Base Code: 05.51-S301-02.18-S301.02.18F-D
ODM Ver.: S301-02.18-S301.02.18F-D
OEM Ver.: S301.02.18F-D
Build Type: -D
Build Date: 2006.11.03
Build Number: (Build 32.10)

Please help me unbick the sansa…

Well, you didn’t say if you tried the simple, yet often-overlooked reset. Always try this first. Press & hold the power button down for a good slow count to 20. Then release it and press the power button again just once to turn it on. Many times it will re-start normally.

This may be a ‘typo’ on your part, but you said you tried dragging & dropping a ‘format.txt’ file, I assume to get the player to format itself while in Recovery Mode. This is wrong. You need to create an empty file and name it  ‘sansa.fmt’.

Try this, unless you already have and just mis-typed your original post, and let us know everything you have tried and exactly how you did it, so we can better advise you

Ofcourse I have tried the hard resett. Sry i should have been more prcise. I did create any empty .txt file and rename it to format.fmt. I have tried “the death of blue ring” on ubuntu - this post: I have tried to update the sansa firmware. Well basicly the sansa seems to erase everything I put on the 16MB-FORMAT drive. Only the **bleep** VERSION.TXT file remains. When i turn the player on only white screen is on, no logo. When its on for a while it turns the whie scfeen off and the blue ring, then when i turn the blue ring - it turns both back on. Allso when HOLD button is locked and i turn it on - the white screen comes on for a second and player turns itself off again. Its like its working but it shows the white screen only. I do not have any mp3-s to test if i can hear anything.

@desperatesansa wrote:
Ofcourse I have tried the hard resett. Sry i should have been more prcise. I did create any empty .txt file and rename it to format.fmt.

This is still wrong. It’s supposed to be named ‘sansa.fmt’, not ’ format.fmt'.

Regardless, you say that when the backlight goes off, you can turn the scroll wheel again and the white screen and the blue-lighted scroll wheel light come on. This is different from the “Blue Ring Of Death” syndrome. In that, only the blue ring lights up (and stays on); the screen stays black. The fact that you are getting a response at all (albeit not the one you’re looking for) suggests that possibly your LCD screen itself is broken or defective. This cannot be repaired.

Yes, i allso tried sansa.fmt - no luck. I do not think that the LCD screen is broaken all of a sudden. I have not dropped it or anything. Can someone explain me why only the VERSION.TXT file is on the 16MB drive? Why I can i not copy other files on it permenantly - this means i can copy the files on it as long as i do not unplug the sansa. If i unplug the sansa (sansa turns itself off in 20sec) and then plug it back in with the recovery mode - all files are gone, all but the VERSION.TXT

Because of this i think the LCD screen is ok, there must me something else wrong…

If all is well, the only visible file in the 16MB FORMAT labeled partition will be version.txt.  If this file is missing, you need to reinstall it, and e200tool is part of that.

So, how about dusting off a cool little file for you?  Time for some old school Sansa Magic.

This executable file will find the connected e200 (version 1 PortalPlayer equipped device only) and will install the base firmware, version 12a.  Please note that this firmware is like the white paint that you start a proper home renovation with: it has no custom EQ, for example.  After installing 12a on your device using recovery mode, upgrade to version 18a again manually.

Here’s the file.

Connect your e200v1 in Recovery Mode, then run the file.  Grab a cup of coffee and watch the magic.  The executable file will give you a cool SanDisk splash screen on your computer, and then it will locate and install the firmware onto your device.  After the file transfers, slide the HOLD switch back to the left and disconnect.  The firmware will self-install.

Then, manually install version 18a again.

Bob  :smileyvery-happy:

Ok i managed to get it working BUT the white screen remains on. Now im able to access the 2GB drive and add music, photos, videos on it and they remain on it. When i turn the player on, ofcourse the white screen only appears, no logo. I managet to blindly navigete to FM and listen to radio. So the player works fine - it just showing the white screen! Solution?

Okay then!  We have a functional (basic) unit, meaning that your memory board is communicating, and the device is booting up.  Give a wee bit more detail on just what you’ve done so far, and we’ll have an easier time tracing your steps, and the next option.

Did you run the 12a exe file and install the early firmware?

Bob  :smiley:

I did run the in recovery mode. Thats how i was able to get it working i guess. I tried the e200fw01.00.12.exe with the format option - after that i got it working but player shows white screen only. I allso tried it again but this time without the format - same thing, the player is working but shows white screen only. I allso tried these two thing again but this time i held the REC button on all the way untill i had to unplug it. Same thing - seems to work but white screen is on. I allso tries hard resett, removeing battery for a while and still not luck - white screen on again.

For some reason one of my PC-s can not recognize (does not respond at all when plugged in) the players 2GB drive while the other PC (laptop) does recognize and i can add mp3-s on it and so on. Both PC-s use win xp pro operation system.

as i sai before - the player seems to work fine cause i blindly navigated to FM and listend radio. I allso tried to recording and it allso worked. I have not managed to navigate blindly to music mode to listen mp3s.

With the rear metal back removed, try reseating the daughter board that holds the NAND flash memory.  At the top of the device, there’s a black section above the battery.  Press downward on the grey foam rectangle and see if there’s any movement.

Have you managed to get any mp3 files to play, or only the radio?


no luck with the NAND flash memory. I pressed the rectangle, no movement. I allso removed it and placed it back - no luck, still just white screen and  i have not managet to listen MP3-s, only FM cause i dont know how to navigate to music folder. Allso the recording and FM recording works.

That’s very interesting.  If you can record FM, and play back the file, this means that the read/write from the flash memory is OK, plus we have a functioning PCM (WAV) encoder.  Now if we can only isolate the display issue.

I have seen formatting work some miracles, in cases with erratic display, “flipping” splash screens, and similar issues…

With the Sansa In Recovery Mode once more, transfer an unzipped copy of the version 18 firmware, the BL_SD- file, and an empty folder named sansa.fmt.

To build an empty folder, simply right click when in the 16MB FORMAT partition and select New Folder > Rename it sansa.fmt and plop it into the partition with the firmware files. 

The firmware is in the version 1 thread here. 

Bob  :smileyvery-happy: 

no luck - im still haveing white screen only. I even tried ALL the firmwares on your link but i still get the white screen only :frowning:


I know for a fact that your problem is related to hardware (that is your screen). I have the same problem and I caused it though by accident. My situation is exactly like yours. 

The problem started when the headphone jack started becoming faulty and dying in one ear I opened the unit a few times to try to fix it by wedging paper and things in there. I figured I had nothing to lose. Some fixes worked for a while but unexpectedly by fiddling around in the unit I started to damage the connection between the screen and the circuit board which seems VERY delicate. For a while my screen was partially white (like high gamma and very bright). While in there the last time I had it apart but with the battery in and so I decided I’d push and probe the circuit that connects the screen to the board to see if that’s where the bright screen issue was. It didn’t take much pushing and the whole screen went completely white. I haven’t been able to fix it. The device otherwise works perfectly (well minus the faulty headphone jack which is a common issue).

My recommendation is to return it to Sansa if you still have a warrenty (mine is a few years old), otherwise visit eBay and pick up a refurbished one for $35. I’m broke right now so I’m out of luck. Best to you though.

If anyone knows of a fix for this issue, I’d be happy to hear it.