Won't read renamed MP3 files

When I rename files created from recorded streams, the Clip only sees the old file name.  Sometimes it puts those files in UNKNOWN folder.  Is there an editor or converter or procedure that will allow renaming files, or strip out meta data so player can only read files created by Win XP Explorer?  I shorten file names and give them a sort order number for sequential listening.  These are MP3 files converted from .asf streaming capture format.

VLC and other players can read, sort, play and create playlists of converted MP3s based on new file name, but Sansa will not. 



@cram66 wrote:

When I rename files created from recorded streams, the Clip only sees the old file name.  Sometimes it puts those files in UNKNOWN folder. 

The Clip loads tag information from your audio files, and displays that tag information.  It has nothing to do with the file names.  The Clip also does not display folders in the Windows Explorer sense.  It groups songs by Artist, or Album, or Genre, etc.  In the case where one of these groups is labeled “UNKNOWN”, it contains songs that do not have tag information for that particular group attribute.

You’ll need some utility such as MP3tag to ensure that the ID3v2 tags in your files are supplied.

Message Edited by PromisedPlanet on 10-17-2008 09:03 AM

MP3tag has a one-button feature to assign id3 tags based on filename. You can assign tags for a complete directory (even subdirectories) this way.