When I first got my Clip+, I followed the instructions in the user manual and fully loaded my 8GB clip with music. Evidently, the defaults set with AutoDetect, put me in MTP mode. I then used a USB reader/writer to load a 16 GB external microsdhc card. Evidently, that was written in MSC mode. I inserted the card, let the DB refresh and things seemed fine.
Now my Clip+ is no longer recognized by WMP as a media device. It tells me there is no device recognized and to attach it even though it is there. I tried removing the external card and still I get the error. I tried attaching the Clip+ in both MTP and AutoDetect modes. Windows Media Help tells me the error code is C00D1179. There is no info available.
I am willing to rewrite everything in MSC mode and just keep the Clip in that mode. But how do I get out of the pickle I am in? How do I erase everything on the internal memory when I can’t attach the Clip or see anything in Powerdesk? Sheesh!
Thanks for any guidance you can give me.