Will Sansa Clip show files names in other langauges, such as Korean?

Will Sansa Clip show files names in other langauges, such as Korean?

In past years, some mp3 players have not been able to correctly display foreign characters in the filenames,

and I was wondering if Sansa Clip is able to. I just wanna see Korean characters in the playback screen.

Message Edited by pfmc_dj on 01-14-2008 12:45 AM

Message Edited by pfmc_dj on 01-14-2008 12:46 AM

Yes- apparently it will. I have a song I downloaded off of Limewire- and although it’s an American song, it must’ve come from someone in an Asian country, because the song title displays in Chinese(or some such similar language!)

Yes, the Sansa Clip should show file names in other languages such as Korean.

The problem I’m having, however, is trying to figure out how to alphabetize the file names in other languages, because at the moment, my artist names and song names that are in Korean are placed randomly in the list.
How can I do this without changing the main language setting from English?

Sarajh: I think if your song titles in the songs ID3 tag is in another language, the clip will do it automatically. If you want, you can use a free ID3 tag editor, such as MP3tag.com to edit the ID3 tags and name them in Korean or whatever-- if you have Korean fonts on your 'puter.

Message Edited by Cllipman on 01-17-2008 04:13 PM