Does anyone know what would cause a brand new Fuze to go to a white screen? It wasn’t dropped or knocked around. It was working fine one day and the next, there’s no picture. I tried resetting but that did not help. Not sure what to do … Any help would be appreciated! Thanks -
It could be a simple as resetting the device. Slide the power switch on the side of the unit up as if you were turning it on, but hold it in the up position for up to 30 secs.
Otherwise, join the club. There are many, many discussions on the subject here. Use the Search tool. Some get solved; some don’t. Those that don’t get replaced by SanDisk if they’re less than 1 year old.
I tried resetting, but it didn’t work. I looked through a bunch of messages but I didn’t see anything about white screens. I’ll try doing a search. Thanks for your help!
i have the SAME exact issue with my new fuze. I have tryed EVERY thing i can do take care of it but i cant fix it…ive even reinstalled the software or what ever on it…both versions available and NOTHING. ug…