Where can I find my firmware version download?

Hello there!

I’d like to make a backup of my Sansa Clip+ firmware. I tried finding the firmware online, but I only found firmware version 1.02.15 to be available here. However, when I check the system information I find that I have firmware version 1.02.16F installed. What can I do?

I don’t think 1.02.16 is available on line, and theres no easy way to extract it from the player so you’re out of luck.

The French always gotta 1-up us Yanks!


I believe the ‘F’ designation is the European version with FM radio, not ‘France’.


Could be a slightly updated firmware coming out on the most recent Clip+'s from the factory.

Or the OP is mistaken.

Newer Clip+ players ship with .16 firmware.  I’m guessing not much has changed if sandisk didn’t bother to release the firmware file.

I just bought a used Sansa Clip + on eBay and it has firmware version 01.02.16A.  I also have another Sansa Clip + that has version 01.02.15A.  I’d like to be sure I have the latest firmware version too but I’ve been unable to find 16 anywhere!

@wegmand wrote:

I just bought a used Sansa Clip + on eBay and it has firmware version 01.02.16A.  I also have another Sansa Clip + that has version 01.02.15A.  I’d like to be sure I have the latest firmware version too but I’ve been unable to find 16 anywhere!

Did you read the rest of this thread, particularly the post just above yours? You also might see this post.

You have the latest . . . well actually, the 2 latest. Don’t sweat it; life’s too short. :smiley: