Questions to Mac users. Has your experience using SanDisk Wireless Flash Drive been trouble-free?
I purchased a SanDisk Wireless Flash Drive 64GB which I will call WFD64GB henceforth. After taking it out of the package, first thing I did was to reformat it to Mac OS extended using Disk Utility on my MacBook Pro running OS10.9. Oh, how dumb! I know. It was an accident. After running into numerous problems, I contacted SanDisk support and was told to reformat it back to exFAT. So I did with my MBP. And….
1. WFD64GB works as a 64GB exFAT USB storage media plugged into MBP’s USB port. It mounts on my MBP as such.
2. WFD64GB creates its own network when unplugged from the computer and turned on: SanDisk Flash F94739.
3. My MBP can connect to the SanDisk network.
4. My iPhone (iOS 7.1) can connect to the SanDisk network and the WFD64G via SanDisk app.
5. San Disk Wireless Flash app on my iPhone says, after connecting to the WFD64GB, “The memory card file system is not supported” and won’t show the folders or files on it.
6. My MBP cannot connect to the WFD64GB via web browser, Cyberduck, or Mac OS Finder/Go/Connect to Server. I’ve followed kb instructions on how to do them while connected to the SanDisk network without Internet access and while connected to the local WiFi network with Internet access.
I have exchanged emails with SanDisk support and so far no luck resolving these issues. I will appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!