Vertical Blue Line in screen


After one day of usage, I am getting a vertical blue line on the screen. Defective LCD ? Tried to reapply the latest firmware, but that did not change anything. Any other things to try before a submit a RMA ?

I had the same thing on my new black zip.

The first time the battery run down to the point of shutting off,

When i recharged it the line was gone and has never come back.

Thanks for your reply! I’ll wait then and hope for the best :wink:

Yes, it’s a new unit and I got a good deal from newegg, $39.99. So, I am a bit reluctant to shell out 20$ to ship it back since that was a sweet deal.

Ans so far, the blue bar still there after a full battery cycle… :frowning:

Nope, they don’t pay for returns as stated below. I really love my new player and I would prefer not to wait another 3-4 weeks to have it replaced, but I guess I will contact Sandisk directly if the problem persist. Thank you for all your input!

_ Does pay the return shipping cost for defective merchandise? _

No, does not pay the return shipping cost for defective merchandise . However, if you pay to send the item back to, we will replace the item and ship the replacement to you at no charge. will employ every resource it has to ensure that your item is replaced promptly, without hassle.

@technojo wrote:

Nope, they don’t pay for returns as stated below. I really love my new player and I would prefer not to wait another 3-4 weeks to have it replaced, but I guess I will contact Sandisk directly if the problem persist.

SanDisk normally does not take anywhere near this time-frame for a replacment. Not this time of year anyway. They’re usually very fast & efficient making the process as pain-free as possible to the customer. Calling SanDisk Tech Support is your best option.

@miikerman wrote:

I must say, other Internet-based companies could learn alot from Amazon’s customer service orientation.  :)

A large part of what has led to Amazon’s success over the years. It’s simply not enough to have the lowest prices on things. People want service too, before AND after the sale. :wink:

I got the same exact problem, has yours been sorted out yet?