I just received my Sansa Clip+. I turned it on and everything seemed fine. I put in my MicroSD card and it was working perfectly, but after a few songs, a bright vertical line appeared on the right side of the screen. Soon after, a second line appeared. The lines are brighter than the rest of the screen and stay on no matter what is displaying. I can’t figure out what could have caused this since the screen was fine when I first turned it on and I did nothing that could have physically damaged the screen. Does anybody know what the problem might be?
sounds like it is probably a bad screen. you can try reloading the firmware but it will probably not help. If it does not change after reloading the firmware then it is a bad screen and it would need to be replaced. since you just got it returning it to the place of purchase would be your fastest option.
I don’t want to return it since I bought it online. I’ve already been having withdrawals from having no player for a couple of weeks. I’m going to try to fully discharge it. The lines seemed to have become dimmer over time and then they got brighter when I started to charge the battery.
@foods wrote:
I don’t want to return it since I bought it online. I’ve already been having withdrawals from having no player for a couple of weeks. I’m going to try to fully discharge it. The lines seemed to have become dimmer over time and then they got brighter when I started to charge the battery.
Well, I suppose if you run it in a constant state of discharge that might wortk, but you can only use it for a few minutes at a time.
You’ve got a defective unit. SEND IT BACK! Would you rather suffer every time you turn it on and look at it for the next 6 months until the OLED screen finally gives out altogether, or live without a player for a few days so you can get what you paid for; a properly and defect-free device.