I’ve looked through the forum but was overwhelmed with all the possibilities. Sorry.
I screwed up my unit by unplugging it from the computer during some operation.
Now, when I power up I get the blue circle and the sandisk logo. The screen then turns into vertical bars.
I’ve removed the battery from the unit.
I’ve reset the unit.
I’ve got the unit into recovery mode and with windows explorer see 16MB-FORMAT (J:) which contains the file
VERSION.TXT. I probably formatted J: earlier during my troubleshooting.
My has windows 7.
Can you refer me to earlier posts or help me out with trouble shooting?
As you probably saw on your trip through the posts, you are not supposed to format 16MB-FORMAT.
What does Version.txt say when you open it in Notepad/Wordpad? Copy it here, and we can figure out what kind of firmware to reinstall.
Below is contents of version.txt
Version Info: Product Rev.: PP5022AF-05.51-S301-02.24-S301.02.24A-D
Base Code: 05.51-S301-02.24-S301.02.24A-D
ODM Ver.: S301-02.24-S301.02.24A-D
OEM Ver.: S301.02.24A-D
Build Type: -D
Build Date: 2007.12.24
Build Number: (Build 32.10)
Version Info: Product Rev.: PP5022AF-05.51-S301-02.24-S301.02.24A-D
Base Code: 05.51-S301-02.24-S301.02.24A-D
ODM Ver.: S301-02.24-S301.02.24A-D
OEM Ver.: S301.02.24A-D
Build Type: -D
Build Date: 2007.12.24
Build Number: (Build 32.10)
You have a v1. (1.02.24a firmware)
Try reinstalling your firmware using the manual procedure in these directions.
I went to your link.
Do I select
For Sansa Firmware Updater-click here to download
For AMERICA-click here to download?
I am in the USA.
Is the Sansa supposed to be in recovery mode?
I think I went through this before on my own. Will try again.
OK. Here’s the latest.
The 1st (For Sansa Firmware Updater-click here to download) dosen’t do a lot. Says update not avail
The 2nd (For AMERICA-click here to download) downloads a zip file which unzips to an rom and an mi4 file.
What next? Where do I load them?
chuck99 wrote:
OK. Here’s the latest.
The 1st (For Sansa Firmware Updater-click here to download) dosen’t do a lot. Says update not avail
The 2nd (For AMERICA-click here to download) downloads a zip file which unzips to an rom and an mi4 file.
What next? Where do I load them?
Did you read the instructions for manual firmware installation?
The instructions below applies to Windows, Mac, and Linux Operating Systems.
Once downloaded, extract the .zip file into a folder (take note to remember where you saved it).
Next, change the device’s mode from MTP to MSC by going to “Settings” then “USB Mode”, then selecting MSC.
Next, connect the device to the computer and it should show up with a drive letter. In the root directory of the Sansa e200v1, add the firmware files you just extracted from the zip.
Once its been added, disconnect the device, it will then say that it is upgrading the firmware. It will eventually turn off. Once it turns off, turn it back on, and it should ask you for a language to select. Once the language is chosen, head to Settings > Info and verify that the “Version” is the same as the latest verstion, mentioned above.
I did. Am I supposed to be in recovery mode?
Directions say
Next, change the device’s mode from MTP to MSC by going to “Settings” then “USB Mode”, then selecting MSC.
How do I do that?
chuck99 wrote:
I did. Am I supposed to be in recovery mode? No.
Directions say
Next, change the device’s mode from MTP to MSC by going to “Settings” then “USB Mode”, then selecting MSC.
How do I do that?
What exactly do you not understand about that sentence?
- Scroll to the Settings on your player.
- Select it.
- Scroll to USB Mode.
- Select it.
- Scroll to MSC mode.
- Select it.
The only thing it doesn’t say is how to select it. Press the center button.
chuck99 wrote:
I did. Am I supposed to be in recovery mode? No.
Directions say
Next, change the device’s mode from MTP to MSC by going to “Settings” then “USB Mode”, then selecting MSC.
How do I do that?
What exactly do you not understand about that sentence?
- Scroll to the Settings menu on your player. (Hint: It’s in the main menu along with Music, FM Radio, Photos, etc.)
- Select it.
- Scroll to USB Mode.
- Select it.
- Scroll to MSC mode.
- Select it.
The only thing it doesn’t say is how to select it. Press the center button.
I tried the directions in recovery mode. However, no way to change to MSC.
Downloaded the two files, E250 said it was upgrading. power shut off.
Turned it on. Same problem as original.
Looked at root. no files in there except the .txt file
Like I said in my first post. All I have on the screen is vertical bars. I don’t have a workable player.
One other thing.
If I’m not in recovery mode, my computer doesn’t see the Sansa
Sorry, you did say that. Well, you can do it in Recovery Mode too, and it sounds like from what you described you did it correctly. The files won’t be there after it completes the updating process. The fact that it said ‘Updating’ though, is a good sign.
Unfortunately, it also probably means your player is hosed. If re-installing the firmware didn’t help, the problem is probably hardware-related and beyond help.
OK. Can one hose the hardware by unplugging the USB connection?
That’s when this started.
I was reading other posts. One talked about not using windows to format. BAD! Said this i"f you drop a New Folder renamed sansa.fmt into the 16MB partition that opens in this mode.
What does he meann?
I made a folder sansa.fmt. it worked. device formatted on its own.
tnx for your help.
chuck99 wrote:
I made a folder sansa.fmt. it worked. device formatted on its own.
Did it correct the display/screen issue?