hello i have a Sandisk Sansa e250 2GB i am assuming its a v1 series blackout screen blue lit ring not functioning at all so i can not see what the settings is i’ve tried all other solutions posted by other members and still not working i accidently formatted the player and assuming it wiped everything from the player all software files of operation i need a solid link to a download that will allow my windows 10 laptop to read the player as it does not recognize it in the my computer disc drive icons so it does not even show up but i hear the alerts of it being plugged in so i need a dependable link for software and chance you have 1 thats not going to give me the run around
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Hi @NebraskaJeff ,
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the SD Technical Support team for best assistance and troubleshooting:
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