UpsNDowns for Clip +.My Views.So far..Part 2

Hello Again Fellow and Future Clip Plus Viewers,

First Just a Little info on Myself ,and How much I Paid for This

 SanDisk 4gb Sansa Clip +                               

                                                                       Male/Calif./U.S.A./low 50’s/Inventory Trade 


BestB-50 Bucks(49.99) plus 10 for 2yrs Warranty-BB/No Extras yet//Armband/Shells/Wallets/etc…  

+'s >> The Clip on the Back Works Great,Buttons are easy to Navigate through Menu’s/Lighting Very easy to see ,except in Bright Sunlight,Bright light Blue only,(can be adjusted) looks good/

>+'s for Earplugs that came w/ Clip +//Great Sound All Around (When you get a Strong Station) easily adjusted by moving earplug wire or cord Around a bit when weak/Very Comfortable to Wear All Day/Hrs-and when you do get tired of Wearing them in your ears,Just hang them backwards over your ears…/end of earphone plug Gold Color,not sure gold tipped or plated ,Gold anything Good Conductor/Sleep Feature Works great/Can’t wait to get a Card !

-'s >>Earplugs//Looks like you just bought them at the Dollar Store/I will prob upgrade later,(But Remember They Sound Great !!)/ Left and Right Indicator way to small (eye strain just to see them) so I put a small corner of a old sticker on the right one ,on the inside of the plug ,not seen from the outside,works great!/Volume Control needs a lower setting to Fade(low) and then Back to High//Default Setting for setting your Favorite station starts at [Delete All your Pre Set Stations?]not good start when selecting save /

PS.-  Paper Pamphlet(given) on the Back says:For Full Sansa Clip + user Manual is Available at

                                                    Until Next time Fellow and furture Clip + Viewers

                    for more +'s and -'s as I use this Mp3 so far…Very Happy Still :smileyvery-happy:                     

                                                                                  Laters and Take Care

Thank you for your thoughts . . . but for simplicity’s sake (and for ease of finding it later), you could’ve just replied in the other (Part 1) thread you started yesterday. :wink:

Thank you Tapeworm “Sansa Guru Sir”  Is there a way I could delete this thread and attach to the first one ? or…?copy and paste … Please…New at this feedback stuff… Tnxs again USA RDR

You could copy & paste the text into a new reply on the other thread. While that would be duplication for the time-being, if someone were searching for this info in the future, it could be handy to have it all in the same thread.

Thank you Again “SanSa Guru”      PLEASE NO REPLIES TO THIS THREAD /! 


PLEASE SEE  THE FIRST THREAD OF   >>>     UpsNDowns FOR  CLIP +… My Views… so far…    AND FEEDBACK GOES ON…>>>>




Hopefully Mr. SanSa Guru Can Delete all this Thread in part 2 …Thank you USA_RDR :wink: