Hi. Have had this nice little player for a couple of years now and I really like it even though it does act up once a while but over all I’m pretty satisfied with it and all the extras it has. My question : I’ve never did any updating of the firmware since I bought it and I’m wondering, is it necessary to update it? I keep reading about people having issues with the update and I’m thinking if it isn’t broke don’t fix. So…?
If you’re happy with it the way it is, it’s not necessary to update the firmware, but you should make an ‘informed’ decision. I’d suggest you read the Enhancements and Bugs Fixed change log in all of the update posts for your player and see if any would help or benefit you.
Since you didn’t say what player you have I can’t link to any firmware update for you, but if you use the Seach box here (in the board for your particular player) and type in the words “Firmware Update” you should be able to ferret out the all update posts,
If you’re happy with it the way it is, it’s not necessary to update the firmware, but you should make an ‘informed’ decision. I’d suggest you read the Enhancements and Bugs Fixed change log in all of the update posts for your player and see if any would help or benefit you.
Since you didn’t say what player you have I can’t link to any firmware update for you, but if you use the Seach box here (in the board for your particular player) and type in the words “Firmware Update” you should be able to ferret out the all update posts.
Thanks Tapeworm and Miikerman for the reply. I appreciate it. Like I said, I’m pretty happy with my Sansa Clip+. The only problem that I have with it is that it sometimes freezes for a few seconds when I click the forward or rewind buttons (usually when I click either one consecutively). It rarely does that though, so it’s something I can put up with I guess. I don’t know if updating the firmware will fix the problem but I don’t want to end up messing things up.
@miikerman wrote:
I really don’t think updating will screw anything up, and it could fix the issue you’re having. And if you don’t like the latest firmware, you always can go back to what you have now–there’s an archive of the earlier firmwares at the anythingbutipod.com forums.
All except the original version that came on the player from the factory (which is probably what the OP’s player has). These are never posted or published anywhere.
But, as you pointed out earlier, there have been improvements and enhancements Tranceman365 would be missing out on if he didn’t update. These changes are all detailed in the firmware update posts.
There is no down-side (in this case) to updating. It’s all good.