Unlocking a previously U3 USB on Linux...

I’m a rather techie guy, but I need access to the windows software that can remove the lock on a sandisk U3 usb. I need to re - install the software (After formatting it, which I can’t do from any OS), and then remove the lock. Note that I removed the partions from the USB device as well.

On Linux, the U3 application SHOULD run fine through wine, that can be proved if U3 runs on Windows 98 since wine develepmont is still catching up to XP.

If it does not run, I can boot up the s**t computer and try to run the U3 application. I’m just posting this on my Linux system since I can barley load these forums.

No replys? Seriously?

You post late at night and are surprised no one has replied less than 12 hours later? :dizzy_face:

This isn’t a live-chat room. You might have to wait days before someone who happens by your post, and who also appens to have an answer or suggestion posts a response. :wink:

You post late at night and are surprised no one has replied less than 12 hours later?

This isn’t a live-chat room. You might have to wait days before someone who happens by your post, and who also happens to have an answer or suggestion posts a response.

" I need access to the windows software that can remove the lock on a sandisk U3 usb. I need to re - install the software (After formatting it, which I can’t do from any OS), and then remove the lock. Note that I removed the partions from the USB device as well."

???  What lock are you talking about??  If you’ve removed the partitions from the USB device U3 is gone and in the process removed any files that were on the device when U3 was.  So not sure what you’re talking about.