Why is it in My Computer I can see the name of the album and artist but when I look it up on my Express, it says Unknown Artist and Unknown Album? Thanks.
I’m trying this from a previous post - seems to be a lot of work…
Posts: 126
Registered: 07-19-2007
Message 8 of 13
Viewed 1638 times
Hello Andy,
I would try formatting the player and editing/verifying the ID3 tags in Windows Media Player. I would also suggest updating the firmware if you have not already. Once edited and the firmware has been updated, try to reload the songs again and see if it resolves your issue.
The firmware can be updated by using the Sansa Firmware Updater. For audible and visual instructions on how to update your firmware, please click on the How To Video linked below.
How To Video on Sansa Firmware Updater
Link to Sansa Firmware Updater download
Now, format the player in Windows Media Player.
How to format the player in WMP10
How to format the player in WMP11
Next, try editing the ID3 tags in Windows Media Player. We also have How-To Videos on how to edit the ID3 tags for the device.
How to edit the ID3 tags in WMP10
How to edit the ID3 tags in WMP11
Has this resolved your issue?