U3 General information

U3 General Information

U3 refers to a proprietary application design specification created for Microsoft Windows operating systems so that applications can be executed directly from a specially formatted USB flash drive. Applications are allowed to write files or registry information to the host computer, but this information must be removed when the flash drive is ejected. 

USB flash drives adhering to the U3 specification are termed "U3 smart drives" by U3.com. "U3 smart drives" differ from traditional USB flash drives because they come preinstalled with the U3 Launchpad, which emulates the Windows OS start menu, and controls program installation. - Wikipedia

SanDisk's U3 Enabled Drives:

U3 Links:

Official U3 Software site: http://www.u3.com/

U3's site to download utilities for U3 enabled flash drives: http://software.u3.com/




@sansamonsta wrote:

Official U3 Software site: http://www.u3.com/

U3's site to download utilities for U3 enabled flash drives: http://software.u3.com/



Links to the U3.com website and software download area do not work.

It’s not just those two links.  The original posting should be updated.

None of these U3.com links work

Official U3 Software site: http://www.u3.com/

U3’s site to download utilities for U3 enabled flash drives: http://software.u3.com/



Refer to this thread for additional options: What’s up with U3 Website

seems sandisk dosen’t want to help its customers I have purchased 10  8 and 16GB hard drives  in the past I have recently purchased 2 new ones and they are ■■■■ and sandisk dosen’t care to even recognize me.

First they stop making the nice rugged titanium cruzer which actually stood up to daily abuse and now they have canned U3.  I am feeling so many negative emotions right now.  I also would never have paid the premium price for sandisk if I knew they where going to leave me hanging like this… come to think of it I never will again.  It is time I gave my business to somebody new.

I divorce you sandisk and all your products for life!

I hope the Microsoft #!@&Job was good for you, but you forgot one thing.  They have a monopoly to force us back in, you don’t.

Can someone delete the above posting and the other duplicate post?  It doesn’t need to be said 3 times.