The Sansa Clip Is Not Being Recognized By My Computer

I have downloaded the music store, but when I look on the sources list, all it has is “Music Guide”, “My Library”, “My Channels”, and “Burn a CD”. Please help. Also, every time I try to charge it, it does not charge.
Message Edited by smileykid on 05-11-2008 09:52 PM

the minimum system req for the sansa clip is Win XP SP2 and WMP10/11.

if you dont have a sync tab, try updating it first. 

If you have a new Clip, with no music on it, first go to Settings > Info on the device.  Remember the firmware version; it’s advisable to update to the latest firmware version, 1.01.20.

Select the Format option on the device, and let that function run.  Then try plugging in with a clean slate, and see if Rhapsody recognized the Clip.  Note: it will recognize the device regardless of USB mode selected.  If the description is all in capital letters, with a drive letter listed, the device is in MSC mode, and will NOT synchronize music with the application.

On the computer, go to My Computer, and see if the Clip is there under "devices with removeable storage (MSC) or “Other devices” (MTP or media player).  Hopefully, the Clip will be listed in this window!  If NOT, go to the Device Manager and look for those familiar yellow triangles.  Right-click on the device, and select “update driver”.

Most importantly, look at the display on the Clip.  Does it light up, and show the battery icon?  Once the Clip is actively communicating, it will switch over to “charging”, and you will see the battery icon rolling.  The Clip can get busy trying to communicate, and will not charge sometimes, in this situation.  On the bright side, if the display is constantly lit, it sees something on the USB data lines.

SanDisk requires XP (for the Media Players 10 / 11 have the drivers for the MTP mode) SP2, and USB 2.0 for the higher charge current needed for the battery.  SanDisk designed something nice into their devices in full MSC support, meaning that you can run with an earlier machine…but the USB port needs enough current for the charge operation.

If the device isn’t showing, try different USB ports, as they’re not always equal.  Then try connecting in MSC mode manually (Settings > USB Mode > MSC, unless you have firmware 1.01.11).  If this is the case, turn off the Clip, switch the power switch to the HOLD position (orange showing), and HOLD down the center button while connecting, until the device is recognized (should be within 30 seconds, as this is a new device).

Let us know about your firmware version, and the details about your computer, as these bits will help us along!

Bob  :smileyvery-happy:

I downloaded Windows Media Player 11, the SP2, and have connected my sansa clip using a 2.0 USB port. It charges now but whenever I go on My Computer it does not show up.

look in device manager and see if you see the clip there.

you can also change the usb setting to msc then connect it to the computer. mtp is only needed for subscription music.

Yippee! Bob… U saved my day! I had troubles with regognicing also and tried what you suggested. Thank U SO MUCH!! :smiley:

@neutron_bob wrote:

unless you have firmware 1.01.11).  If this is the case, turn off the Clip, switch the power switch to the HOLD position (orange showing), and HOLD down the center button while connecting, until the device is recognized (should be within 30 seconds, as this is a new device).



I held the center button, the computer showed a little popup saying that it saw the clip, but when i got on my computer and looked at where it was supposed to say removable disk or sansa clip, it was not there

If you heard the “ding”, the computer sees something.  Is there an icon in the system tray, at the bottom of the screen?

Try the Device Manager.  Once you find the wee yellow triangle of doom, you can click on that to update the driver.

Then, plugging in again should have things right as rain.

Bob  :smileyvery-happy: