Bottom line: It is not good business to move away from small mp3 players, when audiobooks and podcasts are growing fast among 18-35 year-old population! So, stop making pointless savings with the new products!
Sandisk seems to be getting rid of mp3 players, if one looks at their recent ‘up(i.e. down)grades’. Clip Jam is a maddeningly inferior product when compared to Clip Zip: worse screen, painful time lags when resuming or rewinding audiobooks, worse locking system, etc. This is frustrating , since the savings from downgrading had to be rather minimal. Instead of designing a new product, they could have kept producing the old model.
I understand that this kind of cheap consumer product does not get much strategic attention from Sandisk. And sure, the sales of mp3 players have been going down, because people use their phone and streaming services for music.
However, there are still important, and growing use cases for small mp3 players. Music streaming may destroy the old market, but sales growth of audiobooks is exploding, particularly among the young. The listening of podcasts is growing fast. For digital heavy users, an mp3 player is still the optimal gadget in a number of situations. For instance, for running, gym, etc. the phone is not practical. It is too heavy, needs a pouch, etc., and you do not want to carry over $1000 phone when you are running in rain or in -15C temperature.
It is the young and techsavvy that will be using your mp3 players for audiobooks and podcasts in the future. No point in forgetting this lucrative future market.
So, Sandisk, please stop this foolishness and return making and improving your quality products! I do not even mind if you increase the price.