I have a Sansa Fuze. I have had it for over a year. Lately, I have been getting a pink “Synchronize to continue your music subscription” message. I sync it to Rhapsody and still get the message. I have deauthorized the device and reauthorized it. I have also deauthorized the computer, uninstalled rhapsody and reinstalled rhapsody. It still doesn’t fix it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
try syncing with windows media player
I formatted the mp# player and it seems to be working now.
good to hear:smiley:
Great! Formatting the device is the quickest method, if the “synchronize” DRM flag keeps appearing. What this does is erase the DRM store on the Sansa, allowing you to build a new one from scratch.
The only downside is that you will have to reload your music.
Bob :smileyvery-happy: