"STEALTH" Sansa Clip - can't see it anywhere

My Sansa Clip is entirely invisible after two months of use. It shows the “free up 30 mb” msg as well, but seeing as I can’t get to it, I can’t do much about it. Does anyone have any advice on how to get this thing to work again?  XP-sp3 system.

um so it is picking it up but u cant access it?

try using windows media player click the sync option and try that usally sync put it directly to ur music thing without u selecting anything

Nope! Not picking it up nor can I access it. It has gone into a different dimension. Used to be able to use WMPlayer sync function but Sansa clip is not showing up at all.

(Just for grins, too, I wonder if there is a good class action attorney on this forum.  Seems like fertile ground.)

Have you tried changing the USB mode to MSC?  The pc should see it like it would a flash stick in that mode.  Also have you tried connecting to a different pc to see if it was recognized there?  Lastly are you plugging it into the pc’s usb port or a hub, since sometimes hubs are underpowered?  best of luck.

It’s plugged directly into the computer USB port. I’ve tried other ports - no go. Other USB devices working just fine. As for MSC vs USB mode - now I’m starting to do work I’m not being paid for. It begins to appear that my big mistake was to buy a Sansa product. Judging from the size of this “community” the clip is the Edsel of the Sansa lines, if not, indeed, the Yugo.

It amazes me that people will go to all this trouble to do what Sansa should be doing - making the products they sell work properly. I know I won’t be making mistake #1 again (i.e. buying Sansa).

I’m glad for you that you appear to have gotten your player going, but I just don’t have the time to investigate the innerds of my computer to make a convenience device work. I’m think my next step should be to start sending emails to the attorneys-general of the states Sansa sells in. I’m sure that with the proper motivation the company could work out a fix for the Clip.

Frankly, I was stunned that I couldn’t just go to the Sansa cite and get the Clip wiped and re-install its software, or the like.

Anyway, thanks for your effort.

  As a last quick fix, I read in the manual that “resetting” the Clip+ may solve your problem.  Simply depress and hold the power button for about 20 seconds then release.  Then try plugging back into the pc.  And you can format the player without plugging into the pc, go to settings then format (all data is erased), settings is also where you would change usb connection mode from mtp to msc.  Hope this helps.

Message Edited by johnetx on 03-14-2010 11:58 PM

@plmoore wrote:

It’s plugged directly into the computer USB port. I’ve tried other ports - no go. Other USB devices working just fine. As for MSC vs USB mode - now I’m starting to do work I’m not being paid for. It begins to appear that my big mistake was to buy a Sansa product. Judging from the size of this “community” the clip is the Edsel of the Sansa lines, if not, indeed, the Yugo.


It amazes me that people will go to all this trouble to do what Sansa should be doing - making the products they sell work properly. I know I won’t be making mistake #1 again (i.e. buying Sansa).


I’m glad for you that you appear to have gotten your player going, but I just don’t have the time to investigate the innerds of my computer to make a convenience device work. I’m think my next step should be to start sending emails to the attorneys-general of the states Sansa sells in. I’m sure that with the proper motivation the company could work out a fix for the Clip.


Frankly, I was stunned that I couldn’t just go to the Sansa cite and get the Clip wiped and re-install its software, or the like.


Anyway, thanks for your effort.

No offense; but it sounds like you don’t want your player to work.  Changing USB modes (MTP vs. MSC) is no different than changing the gears in your automobile.  Are you paid to shift from Drive to  Reverse?

I’m not going to offer any solutions, because I don’t think you want any.

Sandisk are fine players and I’ve had 2 clips, 2 clip+'s and 2 Fuzes without any issues whatsoever.

Whatever product you purchase  there are going to little bumps along the way.

Seriously, you may be best served by either returning the unit, or calling Sandisk support where a rep can walk you through the steps needed to correct the issue.

plmoore wrote:

Judging from the size of this “community” the clip is the Edsel of the Sansa lines, if not, indeed, the Yugo.


Hardly . . . that dinstinction would be reserves for the View. :smileyvery-happy:

The Clip and it’s successor, the Clip+ are fine machines.

plmoore wrote:

Judging from the size of this “community” the clip is the Edsel of the Sansa lines, if not, indeed, the Yugo.


Hardly . . . that dinstinction would be reserved for the View. :smileyvery-happy:

The Clip and it’s successor, the Clip+ are fine machines.

plmoore wrote:

Judging from the size of this "community" the clip is the Edsel of the Sansa lines, if not, indeed, the Yugo.


Hardly . . . that distinction would be reserved for the View. :smileyvery-happy:


The Clip and it's successor, the Clip+ are fine machines.


Tapeworm wrote:

plmoore wrote:

Judging from the size of this "community" the clip is the Edsel of the Sansa lines, if not, indeed, the Yugo.


Hardly . . . that distinction would be reserved for the View. :smileyvery-happy:


The Clip and it's successor, the Clip+ are fine machines.


+1 on the View.:wink:

@fuze_owner_gb wrote:

@plmoore wrote:

It’s plugged directly into the computer USB port. I’ve tried other ports - no go. Other USB devices working just fine. As for MSC vs USB mode - now I’m starting to do work I’m not being paid for. It begins to appear that my big mistake was to buy a Sansa product. Judging from the size of this “community” the clip is the Edsel of the Sansa lines, if not, indeed, the Yugo.


It amazes me that people will go to all this trouble to do what Sansa should be doing - making the products they sell work properly. I know I won’t be making mistake #1 again (i.e. buying Sansa).


I’m glad for you that you appear to have gotten your player going, but I just don’t have the time to investigate the innerds of my computer to make a convenience device work. I’m think my next step should be to start sending emails to the attorneys-general of the states Sansa sells in. I’m sure that with the proper motivation the company could work out a fix for the Clip.


Frankly, I was stunned that I couldn’t just go to the Sansa cite and get the Clip wiped and re-install its software, or the like.


Anyway, thanks for your effort.

No offense; but it sounds like you don’t want your player to work.  Changing USB modes (MTP vs. MSC) is no different than changing the gears in your automobile.  Are you paid to shift from Drive to  Reverse?


I’m not going to offer any solutions, because I don’t think you want any.


Sandisk are fine players and I’ve had 2 clips, 2 clip+'s and 2 Fuzes without any issues whatsoever.


Whatever product you purchase  there are going to little bumps along the way.


Seriously, you may be best served by either returning the unit, or calling Sandisk support where a rep can walk you through the steps needed to correct the issue.

I still thank you for your prior efforts and now also for your depth psychology.

In reality, I would have to search a good, long time to shift my computer from whatjamagiggy to thingamabob since Windows XP “Help” only gave on oblique reference to the subject. You are no doubt much more adept at computers than I am but I give a problem about an hour and then “call it” like a dead patient unless its a matter of national security. I want to use my computer and its attachments as tools. If I want a puzzle, I’ll go to the NYT crossword.

Now, if it’s a matter pertaining to my profession, I will search until all the cows come home for an answer. I no more want to “work” or spend time beyond a few minutes to get my Sansa Clip working than I would want to study the principles of my shoes or my butter knife. Those things ought to work all on their own or be readily correctible. I went to the Sansa site, I tried to update the software, I even signed on to this forum. It’s very pretty and sophisticated and there are evidently many nice and knowledgeable people like you present - but if it doesn’t provide a simple answer taking only a few minutes (go up to half an hour), I start seeing my life running past my eyes as I march in place.

It appears that there are a good many techno-masochists in the world who are willing to be the beta-testers for companies who put out products and then refuse to correct them. It just goes to prove the new-old adage that:

“What they call glitches in computers and software would be called defects in any other product.”

I glad you enjoy your Sansa-Rubiks Cube.

Thanks again.

"Before I sink into the big sleep – I want to do something other than screw

around fixing a computer product that ought to work in the first place.

If the issue is “not being able to see the Clip via the PC”, it sounds like you have a simple USB driver issue.  Life is all about choices, otherwise the unwashed masses can be fed iPods, and if you have problems, good luck in that venue.

Face it, technology has made it possible to have a device perform under a whole range of user systems.  We have a plethora of possible audio formats, from a multitude of sources, yet the Sansa works with a huge percentage of them.  Compare this to the “what you see is what you get” world.  We’ve come a long way from that pocket Channel Master AM radio, where your problems are solved by twisting the radio a few degrees for better reception, or a new 9-volt battery is needed.

Trust me, it doesn’t take an attorney to fix that.  Far better to hire a proper comedian.

Bob  :smileyvery-happy: