Computer does not show Sansa Clip

Since about a week, my computer no longer shows my Sansa Clip when I plug it up with the USB cable. I still hear the computer sensing the connection, but it does not show on the Windows Explorer, like it used to. I checked the setting on the clip and it shows - USB - Auto detect. If I change it to MSC the Windows Explorer will show the clip and the folders, but the folders are empty. However, the folders are still on the clip and play. Need to find out what’s going on, so I can add more files to my clip.

Thanks for the inside. I just did what you said and all is working well now. Thanks and Merry Christmas.


could you help me out, Im on my second sansa 8gb, because the first one was non-detectable thru my computer, when I plugged the usb in, I normally hear a ding-dong that the device has been detected, but Im not getting that, and this second one is the same.  Ive tried it on a second laptop and thats not recognised either.  I did what you advised the other person, Ive formatted it and put it to MSC and auto-detect but its still not picking up, and its also not being recognised that its charging, is there something I have to do, as Ive read through the manual, and its all plain sailing, but it just wont work

Please help


I just got the Sansa Clip for Christmas. I connected it to the USB port but it does not show up in My Computer.  I’ve searched the threads and tried everything but it still doesn’t appear.  I’ve got Windows XP SP3, Windows Media Player 11, changed the USB setting to MSB, then MTB, and still can’t see it.  I tried to download the driver but it also failed to appear in Windows.  Can anyone help? 

Message Edited by tgo13 on 12-26-2009 08:38 PM

I’m having the same problem as tgo13, except my question is: Does XP not recognized the Clip’s preloaded content? (4 songs)

I know Vista does, but I don’t know why XP doesn’t recgnize the preloaded content.

Thanks for this information, forced clip into mode - charging away nicely now  - CHEERS