As far as I can tell the Fuze+ sorts podcasts in increasing alphabetical order by track title, so I wrote a script in mediamonkey to prepend all titles with a zeropadded track # in order to make the podcasts show up this way. If necessary, first use the “auto incriment track #s” script already provided by mediamonkey (if you sort by date then the track #s will be in the right order) then use the following script to prepend the track #s to the title.
’ This script prepends the zeropadded track number onto the selected track title.
Sub PrependZeropaddedTrackNoToTitle
’ Define variables
Dim list, itm, i, tmp, paddString
’ Get list of selected tracks from MediaMonkey
Set list = SDB.CurrentSongList
If list.Count=0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
’ Create the window to be shown
Set Form = UI.NewForm
Form.Common.SetRect 0, 0, 400, 180
Form.FormPosition = 4 ’ Screen Center
Form.BorderStyle = 3 ’ Dialog
Form.Caption = SDB.Localize(“Prepend Track #s to Title”)
Set Lbl = UI.NewLabel( Form)
Lbl.Common.SetRect 10,15,370,40
Lbl.AutoSize = False
Lbl.Multiline = True
Lbl.Caption = SDB.LocalizedFormat( “This will prepend the zeropadded track # onto the title. Proceed for the %d selected tracks?”, list.Count, 0, 0) ’ TODO: Localize
Set Lbl = UI.NewLabel( Form)
Lbl.Common.SetRect 10,65,280,20
Lbl.Caption = SDB.Localize(“Paddlevel:”)
Set SE = UI.NewSpinEdit( Form)
SE.Common.SetRect Lbl.Common.Left+Lbl.Common.Width+10, 61, 50, 20
SE.MinValue = 1
SE.MaxValue = 5
SE.Value = 2
Set Btn = UI.NewButton( Form)
Btn.Caption = SDB.Localize(“OK”)
Btn.Common.SetRect 115,100,75,25
Btn.ModalResult = 1
Btn.Default = true
Set Btn = UI.NewButton( Form)
Btn.Caption = SDB.Localize(“Cancel”)
Btn.Common.SetRect 220,100,75,25
Btn.ModalResult = 2
Btn.Cancel = true
for i = 0 to SE.value
paddString = paddString & “0”
if Form.ShowModal=1 then
’ Process all selected tracks
For i=0 To list.count-1
Set itm = list.Item(i)
’ Prepend the #
tmp = itm.Title
itm.Title = Right(paddString & itm.TrackOrder, SE.value) & " " & tmp
end if
End Sub