The Fuze reads the ID3 tags of the files, and creates it’s database from that. The filename itself isn’t applicible, unless you have no ID3 profile on the file.
as i mentioned, i have the same data in the TITLE tag, so why doesn’t it sort properly? Is there a different tag these filenames need to be in? Also, it seems totally stupid that this doesn’t seem to be documented on file management.
I believe it’s the track number tag, not the title tag that controls the sort. I’m not 100% sure, but I think it sorts first on track number (which it sorts numerically), then on title (which is an ASCII sort). I’m at work so I can’t verify it right now, but I’m pretty sure that’s the way it works.
Playlists might be a better option if you’re trying to achieve some specific sorting. Then the file name and tag info won’t matter.
track number tag only is shown if you view the music in the albums node. try removing the id3 tags and see if it still shows up in the incorrect order.
you can use id3kill, a very simple program that removes id3 tags.
and if you want to retag them all you can use mediamonkey, which has a tag from file name feature.
also try transfering the files in msc and compare between mtp mode. mtp mode builds the database during transfer and msc builds database after transfer/disconnect, so that might have affected it.
please try what I suggested earlier with removing the id3 tags and seeing if it displays the same order. and also to see if mtp or msc transfer will make a difference.
it does it wrong because the albums/artists are the same and you have track numbers, remove the track numbers and they will play in alpha order in those nodes other than play all and songs.
that or change the album numbers to reflect “1” “2” “3” so that each set of tracks have their own album reference. otherwise you’ll have a few track #1’s (and #2s, and #3s, etc) for the same album.