Hi, everyone. I’ve read through past threads on sorting tracks and albums and haven’t been able to solve my problem. I have a 12-CD audio book; each CD has 99 tracks (ugh). All are ripped to my computer, and copied to an 8GB MicroSDHC card. Sorry for the long message; hoping to capture as much detail as possible. My OS is Win XP. This is a 4 GB Fuze, with the troublesome file stored on 8 GB MicroSDHC card. Fuze is set to MTP and I moved the files via Windows Explorer…dragged them from my hard drive to the SDHC card (I’ve done this twice; once while it was in the Fuze, and once while it was in the card reader).
I used MP3Tag as follows:
- Filename AND Title are set to: Book Title Disc 01 Track 01, sequentially numbering up to Book Title Disc 01 Track 99. Then we begin with Book Title Disc 02 Track 01, etc. all the way to Book Title Disc 12 Track 99
- In MP3Tag, I used the Auto numbering wizard to number the tracks, including leading zeros, as 0001/1188 (This change was made while the card was in the Fuze; the first pass at numbering, on the hard drive, added only a single leading zero, and I thought that might have been the problem, so I ran the auto-numbering wiz again while the card was in the Fuze).
- The Artist, Contributing Artist, and Album Name are the SAME (no disc numbers included) for each of the 12 discs…used MP3Tag to accomplish this
- Stripped out the YEAR and the DISCNUMBER using MP3Tag.
- All tracks are tagged with Genre of AUDIOBOOK (again using MP3Tag). They show up in the correct order on my computer hard drive, and reading the SD through Windows Explorer, they appear in correct order. However, when I browse to Audiobooks on my Fuze, the sort order is out of whack. It consistently begins with Book Title Disc 11 Track 11, goes forward to Disc 12, Track 99, and then to Disc 01, Track 01. The rest appear to be in correct order.
- Screen shots of the top of the MP3Tag window, the file (in order) that the Fuze “sees” as the first track (which is Track 1001 in the order, if that is significant) my my Options dialog can be seen here:
Other audio books are tagged this way and appear in the correct order…but none of the others have more than 9 discs. Thanks for any ideas. This is making me crazy!!
Message Edited by ilgal on 06-03-2009 08:23 AM