I just got my Fuze a few months ago and it had been working great. However, over the past few weeks I’ve noticed that there are songs listed on my Fuze but they are just skipped over instead of playing. I use the scroll button to click on the song title but it just skips over the song. It’s like the song name is there only. I have a number of songs files with this problem. Now it seems that I cannot even add new song files.
I went as far as trying to delete everything from my fuze using Windows Media Player but that has not solved the problem. These song title continue to show up. Anyone know how I can completely delete everything on the Fuze and start over?
This is my first Mp3 player and this is all new to me.
To delete everything you have put on the Fuze, go to Settings/System Settings/USB Mode and put it on MSC. Connect it to your computer, find it in My Computer (or Computer if you have Vista) and right-click on it. Choose Format…and FAT32 (which should automatically come up). That will erase all the music you have put on it.
After you disconnect and it reboots, it should be empty. Then, since you are using WMPlayer, you need to change the USB mode back to MTP. It was probably on Auto Detect, but it’s better to leave it on MTP, the mode that connects to Windows Media Player.
The bigger question is, why aren’t those songs playing? There could be a number of reasons.
Most likely is that they are a kind of file the Fuze won’t play. If they are m4a files that you got on iTunes, the Fuze won’t play them–it will display the name but then move to the next file. You need to convert them to mp3, which you can do with iTunes. Look in iTunes help for .mp3.
There could be other reasons, too. Find a file that won’t play, right-click on it and look at Properties (and possibly Summary/Advanced) to get information on it. Tell us about filetype (.mp3, .wma, .m4a–whatever is after the last .), bitrate (a number in kbps) and its size, and if there are any unusual characters, not letters or numbers, in any of the fields (Artist, Album, Comments, etc.) and let’s see what we can figure out.
Black-Rectangle probably has the answers.
However, have you tried another program? I know once WMP was giving me trouble and I used Media Monkey (free program) to sync them (I used WMP to rip them from the CD). And that worked. I now have WMP 11 and it works fine, just synced a bunch of christmas cd’s.
Also do they play on your computer? If you’re in WMP can you play them? I’m sure you can, but just might want to make sure they play on that too.
Black-Rectangle wrote:
To delete everything you have put on the Fuze, go to Settings/System Settings/USB Mode and put it on MSC. Connect it to your computer, find it in My Computer (or Computer if you have Vista) and right-click on it. Choose Format…and FAT32 (which should automatically come up). That will erase all the music you have put on it.
After you disconnect and it reboots, it should be empty. Then, since you are using WMPlayer, you need to change the USB mode back to MTP. It was probably on Auto Detect, but it’s better to leave it on MTP, the mode that connects to Windows Media Player.
The bigger question is, why aren’t those songs playing? There could be a number of reasons.
Most likely is that they are a kind of file the Fuze won’t play. If they are m4a files that you got on iTunes, the Fuze won’t play them–it will display the name but then move to the next file. You need to convert them to mp3, which you can do with iTunes. Look in iTunes help for .mp3.
There could be other reasons, too. Find a file that won’t play, right-click on it and look at Properties (and possibly Summary/Advanced) to get information on it. Tell us about filetype (.mp3, .wma, .m4a–whatever is after the last .), bitrate (a number in kbps) and its size, and if there are any unusual characters, not letters or numbers, in any of the fields (Artist, Album, Comments, etc.) and let’s see what we can figure out.
The Fuze’s own format command makes a lot more sense than the format method you describe here…and it is simpler to explain as well. :dizzy_face:
And as I have said before (repeatedly)
… You can be in MSC mode and still use WMP just fine , as I did for several months last spring. The OP should ditch Auto-Defect and choose either MTP or MSC, yes…and MSC is more trouble free for most Sansa users…mine were always on MSC. But to say “MTP, the mode that connects to Windows Media Player” is misleading unless you are bringing DRM files into the picture, be they from Rhapsody, or an audiobook service, etc.
The rest of your post, about the various files types, well said! :wink:
Thanks! I was able to delete everything on my Fuze and reload all my music using Windows Media Player and everything is now working fine.
I’m not sure really what caused the problem. On my Fuze, I would scroll to a specific song (the song name was listed) and I would would press the start button and the album cover and song name would appear but no music. It appears that somehow the album art and song title were there but not the associated music files?? I actually went on Windows Media Player and attempted to delete all the songs and WMP showed nothing on the Fuze. However, when I powered up the Fuze the song titles and album are were still there (but still no music). I kept trying to re-sync and I think I just made the problem worse. At some points I had the same songs showing up multiple times on the Fuze and in WMP. That’s when I decided to start over but did not know how to do so.