Some Album Pics Display, Some Don't

Sansa Fuze+ 16GB

I put an album pic in each album folder on my player.  The Fuze+ displays some album’s cover pic but not others.

Why is this?  I will look at two jpeg files—one which displays and one which doesn’t—and compare them.  Both are the same file size, same width & height, same H & V resolution (dpi), same bits (24).  Yet one works and one doesn’t.  Why?

(BTW, One file baffles me completely…the image displayed on the Fuze for a particular file is different than the image displayed for this same file in Windows.  Say what?)

Anyway, what is wrong with these jpg files that they do not display, even when they seem to have the same properties as the files which DO display?


I had something similar in which embedded album art displayed but “folder.jpg” didnt, the solution was to to delete all the files with the extention .DAT in the root folder that way it gets updated. Also watch out for jpegs that end with .jpeg instead of .jpg Ive had problems with them myself.

I copy all of my images from the site where I download my audiobooks or from Google Images.  I click on the image so it is as large as it is going to get. (If you copy from the Google images page you image wiil be very small.) Then I right click, copy and paste into Windows Media Player.  I make sure that I am not playing any of the songs or chapters when copying the  Album art.  If I am playing a file that will be the one that will not have an image when transfering.  If I am play  a file when I am ready to copy, I click into the album above before I pasting the image.  When you have something on the clipboard you will have the option to Paste Album Art when you right click into the album art area area.   

To verify the image is attached to all files of and album or audiobook before syncing the file, I right click on the album are and select open file location.  I set the view to large or medium icons.  If there is a problem I will see it then.

I almost never have a problems coping art.  I am not concerned with format or size,

This may be more info than you need, but may be good for the next guy.

Use 1 or the other

either use embedded album art in your tags or make sure they are removed and use folder.jpg’s

and make sure your art is big enough or you will get the white border around your pic visible in the player…

also i have downloaded pictures from google searches many times where the file is saved as the wrong extentsion

for example a file.png was named file.jpg

may try loading the problem picture in a picture editor and saving it back out again…

i do this regularly with Fireworks