Shortened Album Tile made my songs cluster together

Hi, just got my Clip Sport & realised that the album titles are truncated. It made my 2 albums, Eurovision Song Contest 2013 & Eurovision Song Contest 2014, merge into 1 folder. Is there any way to reticify this? I tried shortening the folder name to Eurovision 2013 & Eurovision 2014 respectively, but on the Clip Sport still displays “Eurovision S”.

You could change them to 2013 Eurovision and 2014 Eurovision…

I did try that, however, it did not change anything in the Albums page.

The Albums context menu is build using the ID3 tags of your audio files, not from their filenames. To prevent the merging of your albums you’ll have to change the ID3 tags for album title to a unique name within 12 characters. Everything above 12 characters will be truncated in the Album menu (amazing isn’t it? … it still blows my mind to comprehend how during the design reviews SanDisk could have come to the conclusion that this is acceptable behavior). In my opinion ID3 tags are most easily changed in bulk with MP3tag (a third party freeware program).

Alternatively you could use the player in Folder view. Here names are usually allowed to be longer than 12 characters, although in general there will still be truncation. Also, if folders end up with the same name after truncating their names they will not be merged, so in the worst case you’ll have two (or more) folders with the same name. However, in the Folder menu your files will be sorted in the order that they were copied to the player and you’ll again need third party (FatSorter) software to sort the files alphabetically after each update of the file system of the Clip Sport.

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