Secure Access Problem

Bought a few 4GB USB Flash Drives for the first time a few days ago.  I don’t have a problem saving files to them but when I try to run the Secure Access software so that I can password-protect the data, I get the error message that I should run it from a SanDisk external device.  I am using a PC with Windows 7.  I have tried to run the software from the desktop icon.  I’ve run it directly from the Flash Drive itself using the suggested updated version which I downloaded to the Flash Drive from SanDisk’s Web Page.  I’ve downloaded the updated version from the Web Page directly to my desk top and then transferred it to the Flash Drive where I tried it again.  None of these worked.  I’ve spent a ton of time trying to solve the problem with zero success.  Can anyone else help?

Sorry I can’t help you, but from what I’ve read here from others, you’re probably better off not using it.

"Bought a few 4GB USB Flash Drives for the first time a few days ago.  I don’t have a problem saving files to them but when I try to run the Secure Access software so that I can password-protect the data, I get the error message that I should run it from a SanDisk external device. "

The new drives didn’t come with SecureAccess on them??  Because if they did you couldn’t get the error msg you did.

The app will indeed not run from a hard drive so if you downloaded it it has to be saved on the USB drive before it can be used.  If the USB drives are not SanDisk it wouldn’t run from them.

If the USB drives are SanDisk and came with SecureAccess on them then I recommend you should return them.

I bought a 3-pack of 4GB SanDisk Cruzer Switch USB Flash Drives at office depot and they had the SecureAccess on them.  When that didn’t work, I downloaded the software from SanDisk’s Web Site.  I then tried to run it directly from the icon that had been placed on my desktop.  When didn’t work, I again downloaded the software from the ScanDisk Web site and transferred it to the SanDisk Flash Drive.  None of these worked and I’ve tried it on all three of the Flash Drives.  I guess I’ll just have to use these Flash Drives for data that does not require password protection.  Thanks for trying to help.

I bought a 3-pack of 4GB SanDisk Cruzer Switch USB Flash Drives at office depot and they had the SecureAccess on them.”


When that didn’t work,”

What exactly does that mean?  SecureAccess gave the error msg that it wasn’t on a USB drive?  Or SecureAccess didn’t run? Or?

I guess I’ll just have to use these Flash Drives for data that does not require password protection.”

That is a very reasonable option.

If you want all your files to be password protected, like the old U3 days look for IronKey devices.  They are more expensive but will protect your files.  Another option would be to use PortableApps’s system with their security app which I think is named TrueCrypt but I’m not positive.

Thanks for trying to help.”

You are most welcome.  :smiley: