I connect my Sansa Clip+ with USB cable, run the updater and it can’t finish the update. Screenshot is above.
Additional information:
PC/Windows 7 Home Premium
Recently installed Rockbox and tried to uninstall. In order to uninstall, I was uninstalling Rockbox without bootloader which Rockbox Utility couldn’t remove. Rockbox Utility said I should run a regular firmware update to do so. I tried but Sansa Updater wasn’t recognizing player. So I searched the manuals and forums, then tried to copy firmware file into player and then start the player with left button+power button. At first, I managed to boot with original firmware and made settings, but opened with Rockbox logo again. So I tried it again and I can use through original firmware now. And the updater recognizes it. But gives the error shown above.
Also, wasn’t there a permanent program of Sansa Updater? Current downloadable version is like a portable application. Maybe “Sansa Dispatcher” was the permanent one?