Well… I have done many things, and looked up many programs just to get SMC to acknowledge that the file exists and load it up. Now the issue I have is, when I press convert, it sits that… doing nothing… 0% 0% files 1/1… on rare occasion that I’m lucky… it has told me 100% 49% files 1/1… then does nothing.
I can’t seem to get this program to work.
Has anyone else come across this issue and found a solution?
Maybe… First… What File extention? There have been reports of pepole struggling with some types. Have you tried to uninstall SMC. Delete the install File, redownload it, and re install?
File types I am working with right now are wmv. I just got through uninstalling/reinstalling… still same issue.
Have you tried converting the file to an mp4 first then running it thru SMC? Also try changing it to an mpeg
Haven’t tried Mpeg, but when I converted it to mp4, SMC would give me an error saying it doesn’t support that file type.
If you can find the specs that SMC outputs the video in try to make an mp4 with those specs and ten drag and drop.
That might be a tad beyond me…
Thats Why I made the suggestion of MPEG or WMV files. Try that first. I have never tried without SMC myself so sombody else would have to help with that part
Well… my convert can’t convert the files to mpeg, and when I get the wmv up, it still does the same ol sits there looking like it’s converting onto the player, but actually does nothing…
I’ll look a little bit more about trying to manually convert the files.
Check some of the other threads about SMC. There are tons of us trying things out, mostly because we struggle with SMC Something out there may work for you
I was looking, but none that I saw had the same issue I was having…
This is truly a headache…
I have never had an issue with SMC, But I know many do. Look forward to the future, they are working an a firmware that does not need SMC, but nobody really knows when that will be done.
Hey, HEY! Apparently the solution is to get bored and watch porn… cuase I didn’t do anything more and it spontaniously started working.
Glad You Got ot workin
Message Edited by Conversionbox on 12-31-2008 01:36 AM
@draconalis wrote:
Hey, HEY! Apparently the solution is to get bored and watch porn… cuase I didn’t do anything more and it spontaniously started working.
Maybe if we got midget porn on the Fuze’s little screen we would suddenly know everything…a cure for cancer,a solution to the hunger and war issues across the world, Ford and Chevy guys would hug, Apple and Sansa guys would have tea and crumpets…but I digress 
I had a similar error; it’d sit there doing nothing. I installed a codec pack (K-lite codec pack) and voila! it began working.