I keep getting a message telling me that Zero have finished and however many I tried to conert are “unfinished”
Anyone know how to work around this??
Here’ sthe error message:
Message Edited by Galv22 on 04-19-2008 01:57 PM
I keep getting a message telling me that Zero have finished and however many I tried to conert are “unfinished”
Anyone know how to work around this??
Here’ sthe error message:
Message Edited by Galv22 on 04-19-2008 01:57 PM
What version did you use? Sansa Media Converter version 236?
I am also having that problem. I am using version 236 and transfering an Itunes video and when I hit Convert, it just stalls and doesnt give me any response. I have rebooted the computer, reinstalled SMC and tried a different computer. So I am really disappointed that I cannot add a video to my E260 Sansa MP3 player. Any suggestions??
@elnbryant wrote:
I am also having that problem. I am using version 236 and transfering an Itunes video and when I hit Convert, it just stalls and doesnt give me any response. I have rebooted the computer, reinstalled SMC and tried a different computer. So I am really disappointed that I cannot add a video to my E260 Sansa MP3 player. Any suggestions??
there is your problem. videos from itunes are drm protected and can not be converted with the SMC. if you can burn the movie to dvd you can try reripping but this can be somewhat cumbersome.
Great. Thanks for that info. I had read somewhere that I could convert them over. I was also going to buy a book there to add as well. Where should I purchase videos and audible books? I appreciate your quick response.