Sansa Fuze

My Sansa Fuze MP3 player, (about two years old), has started to give me some problems.  I recently added several audio albums.  However when I try to play them the tracks will not play continuously.  When a track is complete the next track does not start automatically.  I don’t want to have to start each song individually, (which I can sometimes do, but not always).  Also when a track is playing and the screen darkens I will “turn the wheel” slightly to light it up again.  When I do that the track pauses.  I can restart it some times, (but not always), by pushing the Pause button. I have also started the next song by pushing the Select Button, but that doesn’t always work. Sometimes I can start the song by pushing the Forward, then pushing Previous Button. I have tried removing the albums and reinstalling them, but to no avail.  I also reformated the player, which did nothing.  Can anyone advise me.

Thank you.

If you ripped CDs, then try to re-rip them to your computer, then the Fuze.  I had a corrupted album once, and then I re-ripped them back to fix it.

I tried re-ripping CDs.  My sansa fuze still does not work properly.  After further investigation I believe my fuze has died.  I pulled the memory card out and opened it on my computer.  All tracks played properly.

Thanks for the suggestion anyway.

Have you tried a firmware update?

Maybe it got buggy. 

pcfair wrote:

I tried re-ripping CDs.  My sansa fuze still does not work properly.  After further investigation I believe my fuze has died.  I pulled the memory card out and opened it on my computer.   All tracks played properly.


Ahhh, see this information would be handy to know in trying to diagnose your problem. You didn’t mention any memory card in yoiur original post.

Please elaborate; you opened “what” on your computer and all the tracks played properly, the Fuze or the memory card? The problem you are having; are they tracks on the card or on the Fuze?

pcfair wrote:

I tried re-ripping CDs.  My sansa fuze still does not work properly.  After further investigation I believe my fuze has died.  I pulled the memory card out and opened it on my computer.   All tracks played properly.


Ahhh, see this information would be handy to know in trying to diagnose your problem. You didn’t mention any memory card in your original post.

Please elaborate; you opened “what” on your computer and all the tracks played properly, the Fuze or the memory card? The problem you are having; are they tracks on the card or on the Fuze?