Use the Folders option in the Music menu.
@jrbobdobbs wrote:
I was wondering if anyone could help me out. Problem: A lot of my music are compilations of different artists kept in a single folder. When i load them on the sansa it dosent recognize the folder as an “Album” and i seem to have to access my music by “Artist” but theres so many artists and i just want to play a full folder. Also, it dosent reconize the labling of the folder name and lables a lot of stuff “Unknown Artist” or “Unknown Album” .
Do i have to go through each song and create a playlist or something? Ive tried to import playlists via Windows Media Player but the playlists contain no music on the sansa.
I hope this makes sense to someone :)
Thanks so much for any help.!!
Peace and Love
The device apparently cannot read the ID3 tags of the files, so it lumps them under “Unknown”.
You can use the Folders option in the Music menu to work around.
This is what my Music Folder looks like. If I wanted to add a new compilation, I’d call it Compilation 7 (or any other title) by Various Artists and add it to the Various Artists Folder. Or, if I wanted to, I could create a Blues Compilation Folder and move my blues compilations into it, and so on.
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Also, make sure the Music Folder on your computer shows your compilation album like this. Sometimes Media Player lags behind what you’ve just done and takes a while to sort itself out, or it wll have your tracks in several linked folders instead of just one, in which case just drag and drop the tracks into one folder and delete the empty folders before you copy the album over to your fuze.
My Sansa Fuze + did not come with a users manual and I can’t find where I can download one. Can any one help with this ?
I’m trying to find a user manual I can download. On your post, in red letters, it says user manual. But it won’t open ?
Do you know where I can go to download a manual for the Sansa Fuze + ?