i got a sansa fuze 8g grey version.
everything was working fine for the almost 2 years and even with the latest firmwire is was top notch
but since a couples of days , hes no more reconize by anything … pc car radio nothing
when i plugged it hes only charging but not reconize
i tried a lot of times to swithc it to msc without no results
i even try to reformat it…with the result that i lost all my songs and even with a reformat i still dont work
so question… whats next ?? my mp3 player is dead ? i got to go buy something else ?
ok thanks i will try that
but i dont understand why he charging but not being reconize
'Cause maybe just one of the wires or connections in the cord are broken.
received my new cord yesterday (a no name cheap one)
its working fine
i will buy 2-3 more cords just to be sure
Okay I have the same problem… I even tried another cord and my dads sansa in the cord but he’s wouldwork and mine’s wouldn’t
I did everything the op did and I too had mine for almost 2 years.
Only it’s a 4gb red version
Nadiyah1291 wrote:
Okay I have the same problem… I even tried another cord and my dads sansa in the cord but he’s wouldwork and mine’s wouldn’t
I did everything the op did and I too had mine for almost 2 years.
Only it’s a 4gb red version
Well, that’s why it doesn’t work then . . . it’s the red version. You need a red cord.
Has anybody seen my stapler?
A new cord solved my problem (not recognizing)!! Thanks!!