I posted this in another thread but here it is again, hoping that it’ll be seen.
I have been using my 1GB SE purely as a MP3 player (mostly in my car) and love it. But my daughter needed to record a lesson and I installed an unused 2GB microSD(Sandisk) in the Express and told her to go for it.
She managed to make a good recording but it only recorded on the available space on the internal storage - not much there. The external storage was untouched. (She got 23 minutes of good recording with no problems with playback on the SE even when the display went off. I haven’t been able to play it back on the computer using WMP… will fiddle with that later…)
WHAT I NEED TO KNOW IS>>>Can I voice record onto the microSD using the SE? Or is the microSD only good for listening - by transferring music/audible files via the computer and then using only for playback on the SE?