Sansa Clip Zip FLAC 24 bit problem

I had a Sansa Clip Zip, i have some _FLAC files for 24 Bit, and no play this files, i had the firmware v01.01.17A

None of the Sansa mp3 players support 24-bit FLAC files, including the Zip.

16-bit only.

@chago wrote:

I had a Sansa Clip Zip, i have some _FLAC files for 24 Bit, and no play this files, i had the firmware v01.01.17A

FWIW we’ll have an official build of rockbox for the Clip Zip out soonish that works fine with 24 bit flac. That said, the DAC on the Zip is only 16 bit, so you’ll save a lot of hard disk space at no additional loss of quality if you just convert to 16 bit.