Sansa Clip Zip Firmware 01.01.18

Firmware is the software code that powers your Clip Zip. You can think of it as the operating system.  SanDisk actively and periodically updates the capabilities, functionality, and reliability of the Firmware.  For an optimal experience with your Clip Zip, SanDisk recommends that you update your Firmware with each new release.  It’s fast, easy, and free!

SanDisk has just released firmware version 01.01.18 for the Sansa Clip Zip. Download links and the release notes are available below.

Windows Users can Connect the device in any Mode and follow the instructions below.

Mac and Linux users can connect their Clip Zip in MSC or Auto Detect mode and follow the instructions below. 

MSC mode instructions:

  • Turn on the Clip Zip
  • Navigate to  Settings  on the menu of the device 
  • Scroll down to  System Settings
  • Scroll Down to  USB Mode
  • Select  MSC

 Sansa Clip Zip Firmware 01.01.18 Download and Installation instructions

Update using the Sansa Firmware Updater

For Sansa Firmware Updater - Click here to download 

Manual Firmware Update (Download and Instructions)

Manual Firmware Update (All Regions) - Click here to download

All languages are now in one firmware version. After firmware update you will need to select your Language and Region preference.

• Remove any external card from the Clip Zip before performing firmware update

• Ensure your battery is > 50% full. 

• Plug in your Sansa Clip Zip to your computer. 

• Extract the  clpza.bin  file from the .zip file you just downloaded into a folder on your computer.

• Once extracted, drag the file to the root directory of your Sansa Clip Zip. 

• Disconnect the Sansa Clip Zip and let the firmware update begin. 

• Once it finally finishes doing its update, it will turn itself off. 

• Turn the Clip Zip on, Select your language and region preference 

• Once its back to the main menu, head to “Settings” >“System Settings”> “Info”, and verify the “Version” is now 01.01.18"x".

                    Sansa Clip Zip Firmware 01.01.18 Release Notes

This new firmware has various bug fixes, including key fixes listed below, as well as enhancements. Upon completion of the firmware upgrade, the device will turn off; power on the device to complete the upgrade process.  If the device does not initiate or complete, press & hold the Power switch for 15 seconds to reset the device and then press and hold power button again to restart. 


  • Shuffle All is changed to Play All in Music menu

Bugs Fixed

  • Some brands and types of microSD cards are not recognized by device
  • AAC files encoded with Microsoft mp4-2 variable bit rate cannot be played 
  • RDS information disappears after power cycle

Known Issues

  • Recently Added doesn’t update Rhapsody transferred tracks
  • Artist Info page doesn’t display for Rhapsody transferred tracks

@slotmonsta wrote:


  • Shuffle All is changed to Play All in Music menu

Bugs Fixed

  • Some brands and types of microSD cards are not recognized by device
  • AAC files encoded with Microsoft mp4-2 variable bit rate cannot be played 
  • RDS information disappears after power cycle

I can’t wait to update and try it out. Maybe now I’ll use my Zip more often. :stuck_out_tongue:

The manual firmware update says this…

Perhaps the wrong link, or just named improperly?

It’s fixed now Marvin.

@tapeworm wrote:

It’s fixed now Marvin.

I will test it out as soon as my blue Zip arrives.

Yessss! RDS is working now!  No microsdhc card needed.


Tape , that’s priceless!!

Time for a little firmware test drive…

Bob  :smileyvery-happy:

Play all is a wonderful improvement!!!

Two issues:

First, who’s genius idea was it to rename the folders?  Some of my folders have been renamed with a sort of character sequence prefix that does not reflect the original alphabetic order.  Now there is no easy way to determine which albums I have already copied over to the player. 

Second, my iTune AAC still does not work.  I wasn’t comfortable to post my files last time, and that won’tchanged; but these are legally purchased files in the last 3 years.  I do not think its too much to ask Sandisk to sample test them.    The player still just goes into lala land (gos blank black screen and does nothing)  when it encounters a AAC it does not recognize.  I had to hard reset, and ofcourse, when it cycles back, it tries again.

Sigh…the good news is, firmware updates are out.  The bad news is, I’m getting alittle tired of not knowing what you guys priority list is (as in communicate what feature and bug fixes you guys are focusing on on the upcoming firmware updates) - let down becomes inevitable.

<— *joyful* :smiley:



Well alright!  Thank you for listening, SanDisk. Yer gettin’ my respect back… Thankies, thankies.

P.S. to SanDisk:

Maybe in future firmware updates, you might give us the *OPTION* of having “A” and “THE” in front of song titles and artists’ names again, for those of us who want it?

Going back and forth between the Clip+ and Clip Zip, it gets confusing, and annoying. An option for those who want it, along with an option *not* to have it for those who don’t, sure would be nice.

I haven’t received my Zip yet, but can someone with the new firmware check if the minimum backlight setting is still 15 seconds? I was hoping they would make it 5 seconds like the Clip+

@color43 wrote:

I haven’t received my Zip yet, but can someone with the new firmware check if the minimum backlight setting is still 15 seconds? I was hoping they would make it 5 seconds like the Clip+


It is still 15 seconds.

@cx1 wrote:

P.S. to SanDisk:


Maybe in future firmware updates, you might give us the *OPTION* of having “A” and “THE” in front of song titles and artists’ names again, for those of us who want it?


Going back and forth between the Clip+ and Clip Zip, it gets confusing, and annoying. An option for those who want it, along with an option *not* to have it for those who don’t, sure would be nice.

This would indeed be nice, or better yet treat these prefixes like Winamp does; it still prints and/or shows the “The” but ignores in the sorting process, so artists like “The Beatles” for example still shows as The Beatles, but is sorted and filed under ‘B’.

@miikerman wrote:

Thanks for the update, SanDisk!     Having Play All back is, once again, nice, handy and appreciated.


And now, how about screen use enhancements, to add/add back in track time elapsed and remaining info., as well as track no. in list being played/total track no. info. (without which one easily can get lost in album play)?     

Yes indeed. It’s not like anyone’s asking for anything new or different. We just want back what was removed from the previous entire line of Sansa players. And it’s useful information that every mp3 player (except those with no screen obviously, like the iPod Shufle) should have, despite what the UI guy at SanDisk thinks

One shouldn’t have to use Rockbox just to get basic utility and functions out of this player.

What is RDS?

@tapeworm wrote:



My sentiments exactly!   :smileyvery-happy:

@tapeworm wrote:

@miikerman wrote:

Thanks for the update, SanDisk!     Having Play All back is, once again, nice, handy and appreciated.


And now, how about screen use enhancements, to add/add back in track time elapsed and remaining info., as well as track no. in list being played/total track no. info. (without which one easily can get lost in album play)?     

Yes indeed. It’s not like anyone’s asking for anything new or different. We just want back what was removed from the previous entire line of Sansa players. And it’s useful information that every mp3 player (except those with no screen obviously, like the iPod Shufle) should have, despite what the UI guy at SanDisk thinks


One shouldn’t have to use Rockbox just to get basic utility and functions out of this player.

What Tapeworm and Miikerman said.  Having time elapsed in the display missing is something even my 12 yr. old noticed and thought should be in there (gave her my old Clip when I got the CZ).

Oh, and while off topic, if anyone considers getting the slicone jacket for the player offered on Amazon for $5 do it.  I got it a few weeks ago it fits perfectly.