Sansa Clip Zip Firmware 01.01.12

Firmware is the software code that powers your Clip Zip.  You can think of it as the operating system.  SanDisk actively and periodically updates the capabilities, functionality, and reliability of the Firmware.  For an optimal experience with your Clip Zip, SanDisk recommends that you update your Firmware with each new release.  It’s fast, easy, and free!

The Sansa Clip Zip ships with firmware version 01.01.12. To Reload your firmware please use the manual firmware insalation instructions below. 

Windows Users can Connect the device in any Mode and follow the instructions below.

Mac and Linux users can connect their Fuze in MSC or Auto Detect mode and follow the instructions below. 

MSC mode instructions:

  • Turn on the Clip Zip
  • Navigate to  Settings  on the menu of the device 
  • Scroll down to System Settings
  • Scroll Down to USB Mode
  • Select MSC

 Sansa Clip Zip Firmware 01.01.12 Download and Installation instructions

Manual Firmware Update (Download and Instructions)

Manual Firmware Update (All Regions) - Click here to download

All languages are now in one firmware version. After firmware update you will need to select your Language and Region preference.

• Remove any external card from the Clip Zip before performing firmware update

• Ensure your battery is > 50% full. 

• Plug in your Sansa Clip Zip to your computer. 

• Extract the  clpza.bin  file from the .zip file you just downloaded into a folder on your computer.

• Once extracted, drag the file to the root directory of your Sansa Clip Zip. 

• Disconnect the Sansa Clip Zip and let the firmware update begin. 

• Once it finally finishes doing its update, it will turn itself off. 

• Turn the Clip Zip on, Select your language and region preference 

• Once its back to the main menu, head to “Settings” >“System Settings”> “Info”, and verify the “Version” is now 01.01.12"x".

I think you have a typo in the download link, should be:

BTW, nice to see its still the (fantastic) Clip+ hardware inside :slight_smile:

Is there the shipping FW or was there a change already?  I couldn’t find release notes for it.

This is the initial release firmware as shipped with the Clip Zip.

Bob  :smileyvery-happy:


I got the new Sansa Clip Zip from sandisk today. Its very cool I love it:smiley:

I also downloaded the Zip firmware, and i am trying to remove the radio as i did on my sansa Clip+ with the clpp.bin

I changed the clpza = to clpzg to remove it , but it dosent work the same as all other firmware did .I tried G=P=S but none work

I would appreciate any help!

@ubtapes wrote:


I got the new Sansa Clip Zip from sandisk today. Its very cool I love it:smiley:

I also downloaded the Zip firmware, and i am trying to remove the radio as i did on my sansa Clip+ with the clpp.bin

I changed the clpza = to clpzg to remove it , but it dosent work the same as all other firmware did .I tried G=P=S but none work

I would appreciate any help!


Dont bother eding that stuff. Just go to settings>customize> And then deselect radio. It will go away.



Thanks for the reply,

I know this, but I am looking for a real solution, its too easy to turn it back on

We are selling it to communites were radio is not allowed! so I need a permanant solution or something like the clppg.bin which we had for the sansa clip +

Is there a more effective solution for that?

I would appreciate any help

This functionality will be added in a future firmware update. To answer the next question no we do not have an ETA for when it will be added.

Forum Admin


@slotmonsta wrote:

This functionality will be added in a future firmware update. To answer the next question no we do not have an ETA for when it will be added.


Forum Admin


Pleasepleaseplease add back in the elapsed time for a track along with track no./total track listing like in the old Clip/Clip+.  :smiley:


I do see that there is a new version 1.15 out there, is this already what we can change it to G Format?

@ubtapes wrote:


Thanks for the reply,

I know this, but I am looking for a real solution, its too easy to turn it back on

We are selling it to communites were radio is not allowed! so I need a permanant solution or something like the clppg.bin which we had for the sansa clip +

Is there a more effective solution for that?


I would appreciate any help

Why don’t you just buy it from the correct distributor for your geographical area to begin with? Sounds to me like you’re trying to circumvent a legality and/or buying them cheaper somewhere else and then trying to cover your tracks by ‘removing’ the radio.

Sure glad I don’t live anywhere near where you’re doing business.

I don’t see anything shady about conforming to a local regulation.  Sellers can ship worldwide, and there are regions with legal requirements regarding radio reception.  In some countries radio reception is taxed, or there’s a device fee, etc.

Being able to install the correct firmware for a given region is important to comply with local regulations.  Previous Sansas allowed this, so the capability makes sense.  The end user can circumvent the cabability, but it meets regulatory requirements. 

Just think of the EU requirement to inhibit the volume level.

Bob  :wink:

@neutron_bob wrote:

I don’t see anything shady about conforming to a local regulation.  Sellers can ship worldwide, and there are regions with legal requirements regarding radio reception.  In some countries radio reception is taxed, or there’s a device fee, etc.

If the manufacturer is doing this, then no. On previous Sansa models, SanDisk had different hardware configurations made up at the factory, or particular production runs, if you will that had the approriate firmware installed to conform with these limited markets; case is point being the FM Radio restriction. These units would make it to the end user fresh (and sealed) from the factory, compliant with the local legalitiies.

However, if someone (I presume a retailer or ‘local’ ditribution vendor) is attempting to get a jump on the competition or buying them from somewhere they are not supposed to in order to give themselves an advantage (price or otherwise) and opening up the factory-sealed packages to manipulate the firmware on them to make them ‘compliant’ then yes, I have a problem with that.

Maybe SanDisk has changed the way it handles distribution in different international markets from the way that it used to, but I certainly wouldn’t want to buy what I assumed to be a ‘new’ unit only to find out that someone not factory or manufacturer-authorized had already opened it up and buggered around with it.

Hi Tape worm,

Let me explain myself,

I am buying the Sansa direct from Sandisk, or any other legall resller.

I don’t have anything against Radio whatsoever. However, since this Sansa Clip has become so popular in our communities thanks to its small size and capabilities evreyone wants to have it. The problem is though that in our communiteis Radio is not allowed , and that is what the customers are requesting from us.

If anyone is requesting it with radio then I have no problem to sell it to them as is.

My issue is mainly concerned to serve my clients better with the better product!