Sansa Clip Read Only?

My sansa clip completely went crazy on me last time I added new songs.

I can not add or remove files to the Sansa. I have tried to format it in both usb modes. Neither works. None of my files are showing up but when you view disk usage, it hasn’t changed since all my mp3s showed. 

Here are some pics. Note: I am using Windows XP. Hidden files are set to show.

The root directory:

Music folder:

Disk Usage:

 The device is acting as though it is Read Only, although I have no Idea what the issue is.

This is the Error I get when I try to create a folder:

This is the error when I try to add a MP3 to the Music Folder (or anywhere):

The error for copying a file in the other USB mode:

I have searched the web for answer to the issue, and have found nothing. Any ideas?

Message Edited by r0bby on 07-22-2008 01:50 AM

Dumb question, but I gotta ask . . . Have you checked PROPERTIES on the files and made sure they aren’t set for “read-only”? :stuck_out_tongue:

Message Edited by Tapeworm on 07-22-2008 02:19 PM

Yeah, they are not read only.

why don’t you try to connect device under MSC mode.  Then open up DOS windows by clicking on Start >> Run & type in “cmd”.  Under DOS, type in format “your device’s drive letter” \A:32k \q.  After formatting, drag and drop the fw .bin file to upgrade the device again.  After drag & drop fw to device’s root directory, unplug and wait for it to upgrade.  After that, plug it back to your PC and reformat it and then try to sync those songs again.

Does the Clip behave normally when unplugged, playing and accessing songs as it should?

Before connecting again, try a soft reset, holding the power switch in the ON position for 10 seconds, release, and try connecting in MTP as usual once again.

See what happens if you open the internal memory level again, if the folders are visible.

Next step is to reconnect in MSC mode and run chkdisk on the drive to see if something wicked this way comes.  Use the /f (fix) toggle to simplify things, and discard any “nuggets” found by the utility.

If you have a live MSC session running, download, unzip, and load a new copy of the m300a.bin file into the root directory first.

Unplug after transfer, then try the MTP connection after the firmware update.

If it is still a ball of wax, I’d format the device (use the Format command on the device if available), and reload.  Of course, formatting deletes (writes nulls over) your music and data files on the device, so you’ll need to reload.

Just as a footnote, does it surprise you about formatting?  Puzzled looks over “where did my files go?” when quite obviously, you’ve just wiped the eraser over the chalkboard.  A clean slate is just that! 

It’s possible your Clip is experiencing an imbalance of bodily humors, caused by a mouse or small troll living within the device.  Afterwards, grab a few leeches for a proper bleeding.

Let us know if the file display is back to normal.

Bob  :smileyvery-happy: