My Clip+ insists on randomly becoming a “read-only file system”, and I’m unable to add/edit/delete any files.
It’s clear that this is a very common problem, but I have yet to come across a solution that actually works. What to do?
My Clip+ insists on randomly becoming a “read-only file system”, and I’m unable to add/edit/delete any files.
It’s clear that this is a very common problem, but I have yet to come across a solution that actually works. What to do?
That sounds like it may be a Windows quirk. When it is set as read only, can you change the attributes of it and remove the read only status? I have had this on my system, where devices or folders randomly become read only, however I can switch them back. Sometimes I need to switch back the subfolders first before Windows allows me to switch the folder back. I don’t know why Windows does this.
I’m using linux. Still having this problem, unable to add or edit anything. This is also after formatting and installing a different distro. I’d consider formatting the Clip+, but something tells me I’d be doing that all the time if I relied on that proceedure to “fix” this problem, and I’m not doing that.
@komatose wrote:
I’m using linux. Still having this problem, unable to add or edit anything. This is also after formatting and installing a different distro. I’d consider formatting the Clip+, but something tells me I’d be doing that all the time if I relied on that proceedure to “fix” this problem, and I’m not doing that.
I think this might be your clue to your problem.
Finally gave in and formatted via System Settings. Works fine, for now.
Before doing so, I tried to change permissions with chmod as su, no dice.
A bit of searching around indicates this problem isn’t restricted to linux users.
Next time I’ll try a windows machine tho.