I upgraded Sansa Clip firware & now i cannot see the files i previously had in it

hi guys, here’s my problem: i have a sansa clip v2, it worked quite good until yesterday, when i upgraded the firmware with sansa updater; the upgrade went smooth, but now my windows xp sp3 sees the player as it was a normal penstick/external hd, and i cannot see the files i previously had in it: i still can listen to them - the players works as usual - but, as i can’t see them, i cannot delete them! i tried the “show hidden and system files” in folder options, but it didn’t help. i think that after the upgrade the folder internal stucture has changed a little, now it is: audible, audiobooks, music, podcasts, record, WMPinfo.xml, MTABLE.SYS, RES_INFO.SYS, SYS_CONF.SYS, version.sdk. i try to put some new files in the “music” folder and it works perfectly, they appear in the player, so the problem is only with the old ones; as a matter of fact, i would not mind delete those files if it should be necessary, for i have them on my harddisk).

i hope somebody can help me, thanks a lot! (and please excuse my spelling & grammar mistakes, i’m italian! :slight_smile: )

It sounds like you originally put your music on the Clip in MTP mode, and the Clip is now in MSC mode.  You can switch between modes by going to Settings -> USB Mode in the Clip’s menu.

thank you, you’re very kind! as i am not so skilled in these computers-related matters, could you be even kinder and tell me precisely where should i look for these “settings” from where it’s possible to switche between msc and mtp, because i wasn’t able to find it thanx!!!

From the Clip’s main menu, select “Settings”, and then select “USB Mode”. 

The “USB Mode” setting should be there, unless you have an old version of the firmware installed.

thank you, miikerman! you explication is crystal clear, but i still can’t understand where do i find these “settings”… i know, i know, i’m quite dumb, but that’s it! if you could have the patience to guide me step-by-step through this, i’ll be very gratefull!!! SO:

what does it mean “On the Clip”, the clip folder? this is how it looks (sorry, italian language, but i think you could recognize the menus from their position), where are the “settings”?
!(C:\Documents and Settings\robi.kos\Desktop\Immagine1.bmp)
Otherwise, does it mean in windows main menu? i tried to look for it by myself, but… no results…

thanks fro replying!!!

oh no, i can’t even load an image!!! what a disaster :(… sorry!!! however, the idea was that it looks like every other windows folder with the “file” “edit” “visualize” “tools” menus above and the list of the internal folders below…

@robikos wrote:

thank you, miikerman! you explication is crystal clear, but i still can’t understand where do i find these “settings”… i know, i know, i’m quite dumb, but that’s it! if you could have the patience to guide me step-by-step through this, i’ll be very gratefull!!! SO:

what does it mean “On the Clip”, the clip folder? this is how it looks (sorry, italian language, but i think you could recognize the menus from their position), where are the “settings”?
Otherwise, does it mean in windows main menu? i tried to look for it by myself, but… no results…

thanks fro replying!!!


“On the Clip” means the physical Clip.  The player, to which you connect headphones.

IT WORKS!!! yes yes yes!!! MIIKERMAN, you really are my sansa guru!!! and it was THAT easy, i just didn’t catch it, dumb me!!!


I believe I have a very similar problem, but the solution you mention is not working.

My Sansa Clip 2G worked just fine.

I got a new computer with Vista.

I upgraded my firmware.

I’ve switched to MSC mode.

I reinstaleld Rhapsody.

In Rhapsody, the amount of space bar at the bottom of the screen shows that I have used half of my Sansa drive. I agree with this.

But, I cannot see any of my songs. The songs play fine with headphones.

When I go to My Computer, Click on Sandisk, I get the sets of folders everyone mentions. When I click on the Music folder, it’s empty.

How can I see my songs? Where did they go?

Thanks kindly,


From the computer, files transferred in MTP mode will not be visible when in MSC mode, and vice versa.  The Sansa sees all files, regardless of mode used for transfer.

This is why your music folder looks “empty” when viewing the device using MSC mode.

If you switch to MTP mode, you will be able to access your files.



I have gone through all the steps you have so clearly outlined, but I still cannot see the files on my Clip that were originally put on when in the MTP mode (or maybe auto detect). Now that I have my clip in MSC, files that I have put on my clip while in MSC are visble on my computer, but files put on when my clip was in MTP are not shown.

When I switch my clip back to MTP, my computer does not recognize my clip at all.

Do you have any suggestions? Is there any way to delete all the files that I have on my clip?

Many thanks…



Thanks so much for your clear directions. This worked perfectly!


Yeah! Thanks!!! I have found my music! Thank you!!!