You know that junk decided to start back working today…a freakin day later I tell you. I was just sitting here at the PC and decided to try the Sansa again to see if it works, and sure enough it turned on. For some reason though, the battery indicator is real low and it wasn’t like that yesterday when it went out. It was at about 50%. STRANGE considering the fact that the thing wasn’t even functioning at all for a full 24 hrs.
I don’t know what the cause of that problem was, but I do know that I don’t trust it anymore cuz it might go out again. I don’t know if it went in some kind of suspend mode or what, or if it just got hot and shut off or something. I don’t know. I used it for about 4 hrs straight yesterday but that shouldn’t be a cause of it just malfunctioning like that, because I have done it before without any problems.
I had already contacted Sansa via website earlier this morning and everything , but I don’t regret it, because as I previously stated, the Clip might go out again and I may still have to end up sending it back.
Just Updated: Sansa customer support contacted me right after I posted this message. The Clip already started working before they replied, so I didn’t get a chance to try out the restoration technique they suggested, so just in case someone else has this same problem that I did, I am going to post EXACTLY what they sent to me. Hope this helps anyone here who has this problem in the future… It is as followed…
_"Hello (Not revealing my name on this forum, sorry),
Thanks for contacting SanDisk Technical Support. It is our goal to make sure you have all the resources you need to get the most from your product.
Let me assist you with your concern.
Let us try to force MSC (Mass Storage Class) the Sansa. To do so, please disconnect the player, turn it off and place the player on hold, it should show the orange portion. The Hold switch is the power switch as well, just move the switch to the right to place the player on hold. With the player on hold, press and hold the center, circular button, while connecting the player to the computer, this will put the player into an MSC mode.
Please inform us the results.
Please also inform us the operating system of your computer (e.g., Windows XP, Vista Home Basic, Vista Ultimate, MAC OS X, etc.), as well as the platform (e.g., desktop pc, laptop, camera, mobile phone), the brand and the model of the platform where the product is used.
Should you have further concerns, please do not hesitate to reply to this message or send another inquiry at_
Message Edited by RickD on 01-27-2008 10:47 AM