I bought 2 Sansa Clips (2GB, 1 black, 1 red) from BestBuy the day after thanksgiving, and i opened one of them the first day that I got it. It worked fine, except for some bugs. Today, I opened the second one (red) so that I could get it ready for my mom to use. I updated the firmware on both to 1.01.18A, and then added an overdrive audiobook to the red one. I uplugged it so that I could update the black one, but as soon as I unplugged it, it did something weird on the screen and it showed a lock.
Whenever I plug the Clip in, nothing happens. The screen doesn’t turn on, nor will the computer recognize it as a device. This happened 30 minutes within opening the box, and nothing happened to my black Clip when I did the same thing to it. Is there any way to fix this, or can I just send it in for repair? Could I also exchange it with Best Buy for a new one?
EDIT: Nevermind, I fixed it. I dont know exactly what did it, but i held the on button up for a minute and did a few other things, but it finally came back on after a few tries.
Message Edited by Raseac on 12-12-2007 01:44 PM